
Climate Cultists Hate Humanity and Liberty but Love Control

Kyodo News via AP

There is no existential climate crisis, so why do the climate cultists keep screeching about impending Armageddon? Their proposed policies make that clear — they hate humanity and liberty, and obsessively love control.

After more than half a century of a totally failed record on climate predictions, you and I are still supposed to believe politicians and so-called experts when they tell us that our cars and hamburgers are killing the planet and that only by paying more taxes and going nowhere to which we cannot bicycle will the planet survive. Meanwhile, we are supposed to ignore the private jets and massive beachside mansions of the lying elites who tell us that oceans are rising and gas-powered vehicles are evil.

Climate Change Dispatch flagged a new piece from Chris Morrison at Principia Scientific International highlighting precisely what I am arguing: namely, that the climate cult wants to impoverish or even starve humans in its insatiable quest for absolute control. In the piece, the author analyzed a paper published in Nature at the start of this year freaking out about small-scale urban agriculture. People growing a few carrots or peppers or having a small compost pile in the backyard is the worst nightmare of the authoring authoritarian climate crazies, who are horrified at the suggestion that anyone but the “experts” (may their careers be forever praised) should be engaging in these activities.

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It’s amazing how the planet survived for hundreds of thousands of years without experts telling people how and when to feed themselves. I guess those Victory Gardens in WWII were actually a dark plot to kill Earth. What these experts do not want you to know is that carbon is the building block of life, that there is no climate crisis, and that warming is beneficial for ecosystems.

The Nature paper asserted, “Results reveal that the carbon footprint of food from UA is six times greater than conventional agriculture.” And, of course, we know we can trust these people. The authors did grudgingly concede that we peons might be allowed to grow some foods that have less of a carbon footprint without becoming public enemies, but they were horrified at those individuals who put in the effort for compost piles. 

“The carbon footprint of compost grows tenfold when methane-generating anaerobic conditions persist in compost piles.” How dare you naturally decompose waste instead of tossing it in a plastic bin for the experts to handle?

Ultimately, however, the fallacy at the bottom of this paper is the same at the bottom of all climate alarmist predictions. When John Kerry and Joe Biden whine about free speech and demand a reduction of our carbon footprint, even while surrendering none of their private jet journeys, we know they don’t want to save the environment; they want to have complete control over our lives.

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Paying taxes never solves any existential crisis, and it never will. There are very few areas where government is more efficient and more trustworthy than the private sector, which is why the Founding Fathers intended to have a strictly limited federal government. Certainly, it is preposterous for you and me to give up our BBQ ribs and car rides to the grocery store as China and India build hundreds of new coal plants.

It is worth noting that climate alarmist policies usually involve either a depopulation scheme or an impoverishment scheme. We the peasants are supposed to stop having children or starve to death after government takes over our agricultural lands for toxic, inefficient “green” energy. Or if we have the temerity to continue living, we are at least supposed to live in small apartments without private transportation, never take trips, and eat only Third-World cuisine.

This is by design, not by mistake. Climate-obsessed authorities in Maui last year did not prepare for wildfires, and after the deadly fire there, politicians immediately began ignoring or downplaying the situation of the victims. We saw the same attitude of leftist indifference to mass death and property destruction with the East Palestine chemical spill and the recent hurricanes. The climate cult does not aim to save lives but to control them.


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