Remember When Mayorkas Said FEMA Was ‘Tremendously Prepared’ for Hurricane Season?

AP Photo/Mike Stewart

Just a few months ago, the Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretary Mayorkas was bragging about how prepared FEMA was for hurricane season. As FEMA and the Biden-Harris administration now fail spectacularly to react to Hurricane Helene, Mayorkas is singing a different tune.


FEMA employees are reportedly MIA in multiple hard-hit states, with deployed troops and personnel just sitting around waiting for FEMA to arrive. As the body bags tragically pile up, feds are accused of actively sabotaging or preventing private relief efforts, and funds are unavailable after spending millions on illegals. The Biden-Harris administration and its DHS have a lot to answer for, especially since Alejandro Mayorkas so confidently promised the exact opposite.

In July, Mayorkas boasted, “FEMA is tremendously prepared. This is what we do. This is what they do,” according to Breitbart. The DHS secretary also mentioned ensuring “communities who are potentially impacted are prepared as well.” He grandiosely promised, “And it’s not just hurricanes — wildfires also, extreme heat, which certainly some parts of the United States are already experiencing.”

Now, as FEMA has squandered over $1 billion over 2023 and 2024 on illegal aliens, Mayorkas is admitting that cash is short. “We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting. We do not have the funds — FEMA does not have the funds — to make it through the season.” 


Oopsie! Their bad! Funny how these trifling mistakes occur.

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Even worse, the Feds are reportedly claiming credit for private volunteers’ rescue work! Independent journalist Nick Sortor furiously accused Old Joe, “Hey Joe Biden: why are you LYING and saying you and FEMA reconnected Canton with Starlinks, when it was me and @ChrisHallWx who did that? What else are you guys lying about?”

What else indeed? Are the feds planning to do nothing useful at all even while claiming credit for others’ successes and preventing more of them? How many people will die because of this bureaucratic gross incompetence? Unfortunately, precisely because the federal government is both so incompetent and so dishonest, it is always hard to know what is the truth and what is not. It seems that when Biden’s FEMA prioritized “equity,” it meant equal misery for everyone (except bureaucrats).

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody accused the feds, “This is not something that has just happened recently.” Moody said on Fox News, “Florida’s been warning about this since this administration took over.” Moody asserted that Mayorkas has “come in like a virus and infected these — what need to be healthy, strong, fundamental programs to ensure the stability and safety of Americans in times of disaster.”


She complained how “they have taken the FEMA emergency food and shelter program and over time, siphoned off hundreds of millions of dollars into basically making it an illegal immigrant resettlement program,” and Biden and Harris are “having to fund that on the backs of the American people.” Now Americans are paying the price in the states that Hurricane Helene pounded.


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