
Kerry’s Anti-Free Speech, Pro-Globalist Rhetoric Is Emblematic of Democrats

AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool

Climate alarmist and professional hypocrite John Kerry recently made stunning comments on enforcing America’s energy transition and his perception of the First Amendment as a “block” to progress. These comments are important, not just for illustrating his views, but as emblematic of top Democrats’ views in general — he indicated as much in his speech.

Democrats, like all Marxists, believe that they in their enlightened brilliance should determine your future for you, whether you like it or not. At the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) UN-connected September Sustainable Development Impact Meetings 2024 (SDIM24), former U.S. climate envoy Kerry sneered that “the world” has already chosen a transition away from reliable energy and commerce to toxic and unreliable green energy and “green commerce." He also mourned the existence of the First Amendment. When these people tell you who they are, believe them.

This is especially important because Kerry himself put his comments in the context of the upcoming election, promoting Biden-Harris administration policies and bashing Trump administration policies. Kerry lies for a living, but he is right about one thing: this election will determine if America will go into irreparable energy/economic crisis and egregious trampling of constitutional rights, or not.

Many outlets have reported on Kerry‘s outrageous bashing of Americans’ constitutional right to free speech, but less well-publicized is his comment during the same WEF panel about the U.S. supposedly having no choice but to accept catastrophic “green” energy and other climate alarmist policies which would kill the economy. After praising the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous economic policies and claiming that Americans’ skepticism about woke ESG standards is a “distortion,” the man who flies the world on a private jet to lecture about fossil fuels continued:

The ESG distortion that has taken place, mostly from the United States … was set up as part of the political strategy of scaring people and warding off this transition, which some people don't want, but this transition is going to happen. The world has made that decision. The only issue is, what pace is it going to happen at? …

We have to get through November 5 [Election Day], because nothing's going to happen here between now and then, and that's going to determine whether you're going into a whole hog tariff battle, or whether you're going to have a more sensible and reasonable approach to actually encouraging green commerce. And we have a group of people who hate green commerce …That's really the choice that we face in six weeks … Because we all saw for four years what happened when we pulled out of Paris, when we zero funded all these other things. We lost credibility. The world sort of stalled in this transition.

If only someone had told the Asian countries building hundreds of coal plants that “the world” has decided on a green transition.

There is no climate crisis, warming is beneficial for ecosystems, carbon is the essential building block of life on earth, and green energy is simultaneously toxic, unreliable, and unprofitable. Not a single major climate alarmist prediction has been accurate in more than 50 years, but Kerry is still grifting. After all, he previously and arrogantly claimed to WEF they represented a “select group of human beings … saving the planet.” Talk about ego.

RelatedUN Pact for the Future Destroys Your Future, Part I

It is rather ironic that Kerry should have apparently claimed that the “green” transition was inevitable and then followed up by saying that the Trump administration stalled the transition and could delay it again. It shows that Democrats and their globalist allies are truly afraid of letting citizens determine their own future, truly terrified of having an American president who will show Americans that prosperity can be had if woke ideology is abandoned.

Speaking of which, Kerry also infamously griped about the First Amendment during the panel. When authoritarians are trying to propagandize people into believing that tyranny and poverty are desirable for everyone but the elite, free speech is an inconvenient reality. How can propaganda be as effective if the truth keeps getting out? For the crowning irony, Kerry and the panel moderator seemed to agree that democracy cannot survive the people having freedom to choose! This, of course, is the whole definition of democratic government.

Replying to a question about alleged “climate misinformation,” Kerry whined, “It's so tough, everybody's wrestling with that right now, and I think the dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing and growing, and as part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue, it's really hard to govern today… There's no … referees.” Poor little tyrant, he finds it “hard” to rule when his subjects have a say.

Related: UN Pact for the Future Destroys Your Future, Part II

Kerry described free speech as a horrifying crisis:

People self select where they go, for their news or for their information, and then you just get into a vicious cycle. So it's really, really hard, much harder to build consensus today … there's a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you're going to have, you know, some accountability on facts, etc. But look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick and, you know, has an agenda, and they're putting out of disinformation, [then] our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.

Kerry has made a career out of disinformation, perpetually lying about an impending climate doom that has not and will not come. But Kerry has merely voiced out loud what every Democrat, including Kamala Harris, involved in the censorship industrial complex believes — that the Constitution gets in their way and they need to ditch it. If Harris wins the election, say goodbye to the First Amendment and the whole Bill of Rights.

Kerry indicated as much, saying climate radicals need to win this election to be “free to be able to implement change now.” When the moderator asked if “democracy can survive unregulated social media,” Kerry sniffled, “I think democracies … are very challenged right now and have not proven they can move fast enough or big enough to deal with the challenges that we are facing. And to me, that is part of what this race, this election, is all about. Will we break the fever in the United States?”

Let us hope we do, indeed, break the fever that the deadly disease known as the Democrat Party causes and that we defeat Kerry and his climate radicals at the ballot box this November.


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