
Globalism Is Destroying Americans’ Free Speech

AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File

Globalism is a cancerous ideology, destroying nations while failing to bring anyone together except power-hungry elites. One of the victims of globalist ideology is Americans’ right to free speech.

American Big Tech companies ambitious to succeed in Europe and Asia increasingly not only comply with harsh censorship laws in other countries but end up basing their overall policies on international compliance, despite U.S. Constitutional protections for freedom of expression. And with anti-free speech globalists running the U.S. government, there is a public-private partnership forcing foreign censorship standards onto Americans.

One recent and explicit example of this reality comes from a National Constitution Center interview of Meta Oversight Board member Kenji Yoshino. Calling the U.S. an “outlier,” Yoshino said of Meta — which owns WhatsApp, Facebook, Threads, and Instagram — that “Our baseline here is not the U.S. Constitution and free speech, but rather international human rights norms.” He further admitted that “often times [sic] that calculus comes out differently than it would if the baseline were First Amendment norms.”

Yoshino stated frankly what other Big Tech oligarchs and government officials have demonstrated by their actions; namely, that the globalists are importing other countries’ restrictive censorship standards to America. Multiple companies, for instance, have censored content to please the tyrannical Chinese Communist Party (CCP), including Google-owned YouTube, CCP-tied TikTok, and Apple. Tech platforms including Twitter, Facebook, and Google have crushed free speech on topics such as COVID-19 and elections after pressure from anti-Constitutional U.S. government officials. The First Amendment is no longer protected in America.

Biden’s misnamed Department of Justice (DOJ) put a man in jail for a meme about Hillary Clinton the man posted before the 2016 election. America, under the rule of globalists, is becoming perilously like a Communist dictatorship. Instead of spreading freedom around the world, American government officials and Big Tech are importing anti-liberty policies from other countries.

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The globalists want to destroy free speech precisely because they understand that citizens able to speak their minds without government retaliation are much harder to control and oppress. As George Washington, the father of our country, observed, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

The Censorship Industrial Complex, comprised of both government and “private” Big Tech entities, has only become that much more bloated and aggressive under the Biden administration. The Biden White House itself reportedly coordinated censorship of Americans’ free speech with tech platforms! The FBI, the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the CDC were — and are — among the agencies involved in pressuring Big Tech to censor speech. Globalism has infected the institutions and it is bearing rotten fruit.


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