
UN Pact for the Future Destroys Your Future, Part II

AP Photo/Richard Drew

The United Nations’ newly adopted Pact for the Future would make Orwell’s Big Brother proud, but sometimes one has to wade through a morass of meaningless jargon and nonsensical catchphrases to understand how truly evil and tyrannical it is. For instance, without specifically supporting a digital currency, the Pact repeatedly promotes an entity dedicated to instituting Central Bank Digital Currencies.

What are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)? Essentially, they are digital versions of countries’ official currency, and in practice they allow a government or governmental entity to control all its citizens’ purchases, even determining who is allowed to buy what. In China, for instance, digital currency is a key component of the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) social credit score.

If a Chinese citizen posts something online or attends a rally that is at odds with government ideology or critical of government policy, then that person’s QR code turns red, and he or she can no longer go anywhere or buy anything. One’s social credit score is linked to one’s purchasing power. That’s how the CCP punished and shut down many anti-regime protestors during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

So what does all of this have to do with the “Pact for the Future” that the unelected UN bureaucrats just adopted without a vote? While the Pact does not seem to mention digital currency specifically, it repeatedly promotes and endorses action from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This is significant because the IMF, among its other bad policies, consistently and enthusiastically pushes to implement CBDCs around the world. The U.S., especially under Biden-Harris, is aligned with all these globalist plans of the UN and IMF; indeed, Biden signed onto a G20 plan to implement digital currencies and digital IDs, similar to the CCP model.

Related: UN Pact for the Future Destroys Your Future, Part I

Below is just one passage where the Pact for the Future promotes the IMF:

Invite the International Monetary Fund to undertake a review of ways to strengthen and improve the sovereign debt architecture, building on existing international processes, in collaboration with the Secretary-General, the World Bank, the Group of 20 and major bilateral creditors, and debtors…Take note of the Secretary-General’s efforts to engage with credit rating agencies on their role in sustainable development.

I am not an economics expert, so rather than do an in-depth analysis of the UN’s debt/monetary proposals, I want to highlight two points. First of all, there’s the “sustainable development” emphasis, which is tied to the woke, unscientific, climate-alarmist Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. Secondly, and most importantly for this article, I want to note the UN’s whole-hearted support of the IMF shaping policy for global governments in collaboration with the UN’s Secretary General, CCP-loving Antonio Guterres. The IMF has spent years pushing CBDCs, including in a Nov. 2023 blog post.

“Central bank digital currencies can improve payment systems as well as financial inclusion—if they are appropriately designed,” announced the IMF. CBDCs “could pose risks,” the IMF admitted, but “Benefits are more likely to come in time, following the policies pursued by countries and the private sector’s response, as well as the evolution of technology.” The IMF insisted, “In most cases, it would be useful for countries to continue exploring CBDC, carefully and systematically, as IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva noted.” The post specifically and approvingly cited Communist China.

The World Bank, also mentioned above, has promoted CBDCs too. It’s all one big, globalist family.

Again, the UN and IMF want corrupt governments and globalist entities to have total and easy control over money and thus your buying power. What if posting unsanctioned opinions or controversial facts on Facebook not only earns you a social media ban, but a freezing of your bank account? After all, anti-COVID-lockdown truckers in Canada and Donald Trump and his allies in the U.S. have had their bank accounts shut down, credit cards canceled, and funds frozen because of their political opinions. 

Imagine how easy it would be for tyrants to target political dissidents with CBDCs, as the CCP does in China! That’s what the UN wants to bring to your life and mine — digital tyranny without redress.


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