
UN Aims to Reduce Meat Consumption, Ignores CCP Pollution

Rick Bajornas/The United Nations via AP

In pursuit of the globalist goal of making most people around the world poor and oppressed, the United Nations is reportedly readying a call for us peasants to reduce meat consumption to save the planet. Meanwhile, the UN refuses to tell Communist China to stop increasing its pollution.

The United Nations is all in on creating the authoritarian, dystopian world where, as World Economic Forum (WEF) put it, you will “own nothing, have no privacy” and humbly thank your malignant — I mean, beneficent —  dictators. Perhaps that’s why it’s so chummy with the tyrannical Chinese government. The UN has attempted to tell people to eat bugs before. Now, according to Fox News, they also want to cut your steak — and I don’t mean with a knife into a filet mignon. As PJ Media’s Kevin Downey Jr. reported earlier:

The unelected ninnyhammers at the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization (UNFAO) are about to release another rib-ticklin' report to get Americans to drop our porterhouses for a plate of rabbit food — you know, to keep ice typhoons from raining hell upon Key West.

The UN is expected to scold developed countries for our meat consumption as well as try to divert some ribeyes to the third world, in a classic commie case of wagyu redistribution.

Let’s go with the obvious observations first. To begin with, the UN is an unelected body of corrupt bureaucrats — they have no business whatsoever telling me what to cook for dinner. Secondly, humans and plants (including food crops) are carbon-based life forms, meaning we need carbon to survive. There’s even evidence that increased carbon is a benefit for plants, including crops. So it would be idiotic for farmers to try decreasing carbon, which the UN reportedly wants them to do.

Thirdly, the alleged climate crisis is a hoax. As Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 winner Dr. John Clauser recently declared, “I believe there is no climate crisis.” He has a lot of science on his side — and also the fact that climate alarmists have been wildly wrong for 50+ years in their predictions.

All that aside, the UN is also completely hypocritical. It continues to pander to Communist China, despite the fact that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) keeps right on increasing its massive pollution. China is by far the world’s biggest polluter, and this year it upped its coal mining (reportedly by 306 new coal plants), but the UN won’t be angrily demanding that the CCP change its ways.

As I noted back in March, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has a history of nauseating enthusiasm for the CCP, which is the greatest mass-murdering regime in history. For example, in 2018, Guterres traveled to China and met with Xi Jinping. Guterres’ official spokesperson said that the UN secretary-general thanked the CCP dictator for supporting the UN and said “the United Nations continues to count on China’s leadership and commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.” The 2030 Agenda is a woke, globalist plan of the UN to reshape our world.

Then, in 2020, the Brookings Institution released a report on how China’s influence was “expanding” at the UN. The Lowry Institute confirmed China’s “growing importance to the UN system” in 2022. While Lowry acknowledged that China’s machinations at the UN don’t always succeed, it seems concerning that CCP influence there is consistently more impactful. It’s especially strange considering how much the UN loves to blather about the fake climate crisis.

China ignores the very environmental standards it pretends to have in multiple areas. For instance, according to "The China Show," Chinese companies burn “recyclables” (electronics, etc.) on a large scale inside of buildings. Not only that, but China also takes on loads of waste (plastics, etc.) from other countries, disposing of them by simply dropping the waste in the middle of the ocean and coming back for more (both more waste and more money). Yet the UN is focused on reducing meat consumption in prosperous nations like America.

I agree with MRCTV’s Nick Kangadis that “climate change is less about the weather — because if it was, all these people pushing it would stop using private jets — and more about control over people.”


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