
Democrats Despise Both Their Opponents AND Supporters

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

Democrat leaders, at the national and local levels, despise American citizens -- not just their opponents, but even their supporters. They are tyrants and elitists, and a vote for Democrats is a vote of self-hatred.

Of course, Democrats have always been the party of elitism, in one way or another. From the party’s earliest days it fanatically promoted and defended race-based slavery, the subjugation of men based on a merely external characteristic, to the point even of starting a Civil War. Then when Republicans succeeded in emancipating the slaves, Democrats turned to domestic terrorism and harsh legislation targeting those they considered religiously, racially, politically, or intellectually “inferior.” Now that elitism has taken the form of treating their opponents as non-human demoniacs and treating their supporters as useful idiots to be lectured and manipulated.

There are countless examples. Joe Biden claiming all children are “our children”, demanding Americans get vaccinated against their will, and sneering at US gun owners, “If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.” John Kerry whining about free speech and demanding we reduce our carbon footprint while traveling the world in a private jet. Kamala Harris sporting a $62,000 necklace at her fake photo op of a border visit. Cori Bush calling to defund police while laundering money for her private security. Barack Obama pressuring black men to vote for Kamala or be considered misogynistic. Tim Walz advocating censorship and enforcing a Covid lockdown reign of terror.

One example is in a post from Libs of TikTok: “Will County, IL Democrat board member Natalie Coleman tells residents to just ‘downsize’ if they can’t afford rising property taxes. Illinois spent hundreds of millions of tax dollars on migrants in their sanctuary cities while residents can’t afford their homes. The board voted to raise property taxes again.” Coleman’s bio online claims she “is a proponent of global thinking, embracing change, inspiring the next generation, and solving problems through the lens of equity and design thinking.” All of which gibberish translates to “shut up and be poor, you inferior peasant, I will decide what is best for you.”

Watch the clip and listen to the sneering indifference and condescension in Coleman’s voice. She is exactly the sort of petty tyrant Democrats promote and patriots oppose.

Some things stay the same — Democrats have supported forced sterilization and race-based murder for a century or more. But whereas they used to apply eugenics to those groups they hated, now Democrats want even their own supporters to sterilize and neuter themselves, and to abort their children. Some Democrat politicians are proud of killing their own babies! 

But certainly they encourage their supporters, especially black Americans, to commit demographic suicide. YOUR children aren’t valuable, only THEIR children are. This 2024 election cycle, Democrats have screamed themselves hoarse touting abortion. There was a mobile abortion and vasectomy clinic at the DNC 2024. Some Dems, like Stacey Abrams, even argue that abortion solves crime and poverty, as if mass murder is a solution to moral issues and bad policies.

Americans, especially American men, are waking up to the fact that Democrats despise them and want them to be poor, silent, obedient little slaves of the state. This November, let’s give the elitist Democrats a defeat they’ll never forget, reminding them that WE THE PEOPLE are supreme in America, NOT the despicable bureaucrats whose salaries we pay.


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