
‘New York for Hezbollah’ and Jihad As an Ideological Fashion Fad

AP Photo/Bilal Hussein

As protestors took to the streets of New York enthusiastically cheering the vicious Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah, it provided yet one more illustration of the fact that a pro-terrorist and anti-Israel attitude is America’s latest disturbing fashion. Its adherents neither understand nor want to understand the truth, merely throwing themselves into a popular fad.

College students wear keffiyehs the way they might wear trendy jeans or expensive sunglasses. These woke leftists, who love all the sexual perversions and feminist propaganda that Islam most strongly condemns, march in support of Islamic extremists who would happily rape and kill them on sight. 

This highlights a serious danger that America faces: namely, that of a population that does not think critically or rationally but merely goes wild on whatever ideological claptrap is popular at the moment. Such individuals will believe anything their brainwashers tell them.

MRCTV reported:

In their latest demonstration, hundreds of violent Jihadis took to the streets, waving flags representing the Iranian-backed terrorist organizations Hezbollah and Hamas Tuesday night. 

“New York for Hezbollah,” one demonstrator’s sign read as Islamist thugs hung a giant Hezbollah flag on a statue in Madison Square Park.

The mob assaulted and insulted police officers, and screamed, “From New York to Palestine, Globalize the Intifada!”

An Intifada consists of mass murders, bombing and stabbing attacks, which infamously targeted Israeli Jews during two deadly waves between the late 1980’s and early 2000’s. The mob is essentially calling to bring this terrorism to America. When they tell you who they are, believe them.

Indeed. No doubt some of these genocide glorifiers are Muslims who take their pro-terrorism holy texts seriously. Others are simply woke lackeys, as eager to cheer for Hezbollah as to watch the latest hit movie or perform the latest TikTok trend.

Related: What a Blast: Iran Bans Comms Devices After Hezbollah Pagers Strike

Again, this fad ideology poses a serious threat to America. Why? Because when a majority or even a strong minority of a population is so incapable of critical thinking and so brainwashed into believing whatever their favorite leaders tell them, these people can at a moment’s notice be inspired to attack innocent people and cause widespread destruction.

Americans have taken to the streets in support of a terrorist group that victimizes its own people and wants to wipe Israel off the map (Hezbollah). That is just after new reports of Hezbollah using civilians as human shields while almost constantly firing missiles at Israeli civilians. The American leftist violence and hatred won’t stop with support for Hezbollah. Remember, leftist leaders have labeled Trump supporters and traditional Catholics as “domestic terrorists” and devout Jews and Christians as “extremists.”

Two radicals have already tried to assassinate Trump, and one almost succeeded, killing a Trump supporter in the process. A federal whistleblower alleged that at least five more “assassin teams,” both foreign and domestic, are out for Trump’s blood. We saw in 2020 with the Summer of Communist Love and Mostly Peaceful Protests, which left over a billion dollars of damage and hundreds of casualties in its wake, how devastating leftist riots can be.

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Pro-Hamas rioters have stormed Capitol buildings and defaced public monuments and universities. Pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah rioters have attacked Jews and assaulted law enforcement. It does not matter if the protestors are completely delusional about the situation in the Middle East, completely blinded to the fact that “Palestinians” are majority pro-jihad and want to commit genocide, because, blinded or not, they still wreak havoc. Don’t forget that these radicals hate America as much as they hate Israel.

Police didn’t murder George Floyd either, but propaganda about his death still changed American history. Democrats have used violence as a political tool for centuries, but the cult mentality is now exceptionally pronounced on the American left.

We need to vote individuals into office who will take a strong stand against pro-terrorist rioters and who will move to reform an education system that produces such fad-driven ideologues.


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