Insanity Wrap needs to know: What does it take to fully disillusion a Biden voter?
Answer: Whatever it is, Biden probably has done it twice already.
Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.
- Andrew Cuomo sets new land-speed world record for flip-flopping
- Soros-backed LA DA apparently cool with paroling a Manson Family killer
- Come meet your (pasty, scraggly, whiny) oppressor
And so much more.
Shall we begin?
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
Children in cages is great again.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 3, 2021
Insanity Wrap has a message for our left-leaning readers and “Republican” supporters of Joe Biden.
Dear Suckers, Saps, and Rubes,
You have been had.
You have been so had.
You have been so had that, despite our distaste for government giveaways, Insanity Wrap could get fully behind an Apollo-scale program to provide each and every one of you with those special donut-shaped pillows so that you might be able to sit down again in something less than total discomfort.
We’re willing to do all this, even though you’re the only ones who didn’t see this coming, you self-deluded fools.
Insanity Wrap.
High Tech, Low Bar
I'm glad there is technology and means to find, arrest, and charge rioters. So weird that the technology and prosecution doesn't work on rioters who spent the better part of a year razing cities, attacking federal courthouses, burning down churches, police HQ. Wonder why that is.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) February 3, 2021
Insanity Wrap gave up being “shocked, shocked” by progressive hypocrisy a very long time ago, and yet it remains our sacred duty to report it to you every day of the working week.
Elon Musk says his start-up Neuralink has wired up a monkey to play video games using its mind
Moving right along…
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest

Relatives of Manson ‘family’ murder victims outraged by DA’s new policy
Insanity Wrap is sad to inform you that the protest isn’t what you probably think it is.
It’s the new (George Soros-backed) Los Angeles District Attorney’s underhanded protest against justice.
Did we say underhanded? We meant undermining.
Manson Family killer Bruce Davis is up for parole — and Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón doesn’t give a damn.
Whenever the notorious killer Charles Manson or one of his convicted followers would come up for parole over the last 40 years, a Los Angeles County prosecutor joined victims’ family members at a California state prison to argue against the release.
But when Kay Martley joined a California Board of Parole Hearings video conference to consider parole for convicted Manson “family” killer Bruce Davis earlier this month, she was stunned to learn she would be making the case on behalf of her murdered relative alone.
“I had no one to speak for me,” said Martley, 81, whose cousin Gary Hinman was tortured and killed by Manson followers on July 27, 1969. “I felt like no one cares about the victim’s families anymore. We are totally forgotten.”
NBC News reports that “the absence of a prosecutor was no oversight.”
Instead, “it was the result of a policy shift” ordered by Gascón, “who campaigned on promises to reduce the number of people in prison.”
No matter what Gascón’s office does or doesn’t do, Insanity Wrap doesn’t believe that any parole board is about to set free any Manson Family member. Some crimes — some criminals — are just too horrific, and they’ll be left to rot and die even if it takes a thousand years.
But by refusing to send a prosecutor to Davis’s parole hearing, Gascón is quietly subverting the entire notion of justice.
Do enough of that, and people lose whatever trust and faith they might have had in the entire concept of justice in America.
For an America-hater like George Soros, that’s a big win.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Intriguing – Palm Beach to Decide Whether Trump Can Live in the Building He Owns
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)
When a white liberal admits that they’re racist 😂😂😂
— Camellia 🎨 (@Camellia_Alexan) February 3, 2021
If this guy is the oppressor, then Insanity Wrap is happy to tell you that winning our liberties back isn’t exactly going to be like 13 tiny colonies taking on the entire British Empire.
If we lose to people like this, that’s entirely on us.
And Now For a Brief Moment of Sanity
Newsom approval plummeting with a third of voters support recall amid COVID-19 criticism, poll finds
Insanity Wrap is as pleased as we are shocked to report that today’s Brief Moment of Sanity comes from Gavin Newsom’s California.
With any luck, it won’t be Gavin Newsom’s California for very much longer:
The decline in Newsom’s standing could endanger his policy agenda as he guides the state through the pandemic and as even his political allies begin to question the actions he has taken. It also provides a sobering sign for the 53-year-old Democrat that his once bright political future, for years the subject of whispers about a potential White House run, has lost some of its shine.
The wheels of justice turn slowly, but at last it seems we’re watching Newsom get ground right through them.
Did We Mention Biden Voters Have Been Totally Had?
“You can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.” -Joe Biden, October 2020
— Michael Whatley (@WhatleyNCGOP) February 3, 2021
We feel like we mentioned that today already.
Keep an eye on your mailbox for that special pillow.
Past Performance No Guarantee of Anything, Anything At All

Monday: Cuomo shoots down expanding COVID vaccine eligibility to restaurant workers.
You will not be shocked when Insanity Wrap tells you Cuomo was nasty about it, too: “It’s a cheap, insincere discussion,” he said. “Yes, I would like to see restaurant workers eligible. But what does eligibility mean when you don’t have enough?”
For struggling business and struggling service workers, it might mean the difference between somehow staying open for another week or making next month’s rent.
Cuomo’s policies have been particularly hard on the restaurant industry, and for no good reason.
Tuesday: Local governments can now add restaurant workers, taxi drivers & developmentally disabled facilities to vaccine eligibility, if they can
That was quick.
One More Thing…
Insanity Wrap apologizes if this one causes you to lose any sleep, but it’s all starting to make sense now, isn’t it?
That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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