The Morning Briefing: Mitch McConnell Needs to Go Away Harder

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Merriroot was greatly disappointed that his Nutella pot pie wasn't a hit at the monthly Connect 4 Enthusiasts social. 


Nothing is ever as it seems in Washington. The people are shallow, but the subterfuge runs deep. It's not a bad idea to question even things that seem to make perfect sense when they happen. 

Squish-weary conservatives got some long-overdue good news yesterday when Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell announced he would leave his leadership position in November. It was a bit unusual given that the United States Senate is where politicians go to never get the hint that it's time to leave. 

Matt covered the news when it was breaking and brought up a point in his conclusion that no doubt popped into a lot of people's minds:

The timing of McConnell's resignation from GOP leadership is likely more tied to the presidential election and the likely return of President Trump to the Oval Office. The two men have differing visions and it seems unlikely that they'd be able to work together as effectively as they did during Trump's first term. McConnell and then-President Trump collaborated to transform the judiciary and successfully navigate three Supreme Court vacancies. But their relationship has been strained since Trump left office.

How they managed to work so well when Trump was in office is still a mystery. McConnell was suddenly transformed when Trump was inaugurated. Perhaps the jarring realization of how close the country had come to electing the execrable Hillary Clinton made him decide to focus on fighting the Democrats a little harder than he was previously known to do. 


For a few years, McConnell was a breath of fresh air in Republican congressional leadership, unrecognizable from the Mitch McConnell who had long been loathed by conservative activists. It was all too brief, however, and McConnell quickly returned to form when President LOLEightyonemillion got into office. 

McConnell's timing has a lot of people wondering if this was his subtle way of saying he thinks Trump will be the 47th president of the United States. Given McConnell's fondness for making the lives of Republicans he doesn't like miserable, however, it would be more in character for him to stay in leadership if he thought Orange Man Bad was about to make a return trip. 

My suspicion is that McConnell wants to get out while he still has the political capital to orchestrate who his successor will be. There are a lot of favors that can be called in after two decades in leadership. This thought kept my enthusiasm about McConnell's news to a minimum. Getting only a slightly younger version of McConnell installed in leadership isn't really going to be a boon for the GOP. 

It's also not helpful that McConnell intends to serve out his term. This country is plagued by United States senators hanging around for decades past their "sell-by" dates. Don't any of these people have families they want to spend time with?

I would be remiss if I didn't once again mention that we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mitch McConnell for keeping the lawless psychopath Merrick Garland off of the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, he's managed to fritter away much of that goodwill.


A lot of us want him to go home now, though. Like, tomorrow. 

Programming Note. I'm rolling out a couple of new intermittently recurring sections for the Briefing today. "SFK of the Day" will spotlight a column of mine with not just the link, but a quote as well. "Shot of Vodka" will do the same for something that Mr. Green wrote. The columns that are highlighted won't always be from the day before but will be from the current week. I just want to make sure that everyone maximizes their Quotable Steves enjoyment. 

Click the button below to get the Morning Briefing emailed to you every weekday. Have your coffee with me, people. It's free and it supports conservative media!  

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Everything Isn't Awful

SFK of the Day

No, Really — WaPo Says Biden's Border Invasion Has the Economy 'Roaring'

"The cheerleading for the economy is to be expected. It's a kitchen table issue that they hope they can hide somewhere in a cluttered pantry. Over at The New York Times, Paul Krugman writes an almost weekly column telling readers not to believe their lying household budgets and dwindling savings accounts. His most recent effort has a headline that almost rivals the one we're discussing today: "Bidenomics Is Still Working Very Well." 


I'm so full of "I can't even" that I just can't even."


Shot of Vodka

Mayor Adams Surrenders to Reality, Begs to Change NYC Sanctuary Status

"Deporting felons who weren't even supposed to be here in the first place? Can we do that? That's a serious question, by the way. Uttering the word "deportation" to a Democrat is like showing the cross to a vampire or telling your 13-year-old he has to fold his own laundry — they'll recoil in horror.

Imagine Presidentish Joe Biden uttering the phrase "commonsense restrictions on abortion after viability," and you'll get an idea of how foreign the word "deportation" is to today's Democrats."

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