The Morning Briefing: Leftists Are OK With Rape Because Islamophobia

AP Photo/Adel Hana

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Klydalia felt that her views on ptarmkgan soothing were too often dismissed by those who made cheese.


The world we live in has gotten a decided "toilet swirl" feel ever since the benevolent grandpa idiot was ushered into office. While the mainstream media spins a fantastical tale about the poor "Palestinians," while those "Palestinians" are brutalizing women.

Here's the thing: the Left wants to make it seem as if everyone in Islamic terrorist land is innocent. 

Spoiler alert: they're not.

The West is now once again faced with the harsh reality that the Islamic terrorists are brutal to women here on Earth while on their way to fake pedo Allah paradise.

Well, most of the West. 

There are people on the American Left who will go to great lengths to prop up an anti-Israel sentiment. Democrats are fearful of people who are fierce about their freedoms. They want everyone to yield to whatever woke-induced violence is visited upon them.

The frontline of the pro-Palestinian crowd is found in Academia, of course. Highly-compensated academics are teaching impressionable young people that the Islamic terrorists are not the bad guys. 

Pay no attention to that suicide vest, we need to hit our diversity quota numbers.

Michael gives us a justification for Academia being burned to the ground:


I didn't think people could possibly be more gross than essentially being modern-day Nazis, but then along comes Assistant Professor Heidi Matthews, a law professor for York University's Osgoode Law School. Matthews seemed to suggest that, while it was bad to see Hamas terrorists raping Jewish women, what's worse is that Israel used these horrific crimes to justify striking back at them. 

We truly do live in a clown world, folks. The Old Testament Scriptures say in Genesis 1:26-28 and Isaiah 5:20, "Woe to those that call evil good, and good evil," as a warning of God's judgment on those who would align themselves with wickedness and label it a good thing or refuse to condemn atrocious acts of sin. The left has made this their default stance concerning the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

As all decent people know, there isn't a rape "but" clause. Ever. 

The historic Islamic violence against women gets a free pass from the left because they're so caught up in their "Islamophobia" insanity. 

Leftist enablers like to gloss over the consequences of what they espouse. 

The victims of their folly remain victims, though. 

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