
Insanity Wrap: Man, These White House Interns Really Blow

AP Photo/Doug Mills, File

"Never thought I'd miss the relationship between the interns and the president in the Clinton White House, but here we are." That's the lead crazy on today's Insanity Wrap, an entire week's worth of the best bad news.

  • Maybe it isn't rape when it happens to Jews.
  • Maybe both sides can lose in the WaPo labor dispute.
  • Maybe this is the lawsuit for America's soul.

Before we get to today's big story, here's a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity. 

How Long Can You Stand to Watch?

In this week's "How Long Can You Stand to Watch?" challenge, I made it all of 15 seconds before closing the tab with extreme prejudice. I thought I'd make it longer but I had to quit after the air quotes around "family."

How long did you last?

About Those White House Interns...

The only real drawback to being a columnist is that, unlike journalists, I'm not allowed to just make stuff up. But thanks to Insanity Wrap — now celebrating its third or maybe fifth birthday sometime next year or maybe last summer — I never have to make anything up to provide you with a weekly collection of stories that you otherwise wouldn't believe. 

Case in point: White House interns demand a Middle East cease-fire in letter to Biden.

Isn't that precious?

"Never thought I'd miss the relationship between the interns and the president in the Clinton White House, but here we are," tweeted Dan McLaughlin. I'm quoting him even though, officially, I'm mad at him for beating me to punch(line).

So it seems a crew of coffee fetchers and memo staplers feel entitled to make demands upon the President of the United States — and in public, no less.

"We, the undersigned Fall 2023 White House and Executive Office of the President interns, will no longer remain silent on the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people..."

Oh, do shut up. 

"We heed the voices of the American people and call on the Administration to demand a permanent ceasefire..." 

Seriously, "shut up and get coffee, intern," as Caleb Howe quipped.

What really curdles my cream is how proud NBC News seems to be about having nabbed this non-story. The website had to tell readers twice that the letter was "first shared with NBC News" in this "exclusive" report. "Run along now, children," would have been the proper response — not a big-name, Jonathan Allen report with EXCLUSIVE blazoned above the headline in an ALL CAPS red flag.

This juxtaposition is beautiful — and almost certainly unintentional. "We are not the decision makers of today," they wrote in a moment that caused me to shout "No s***?" loud enough to frighten my Golden, "but we aspire to be the leaders of tomorrow." But, as NBC reported in the very next paragraph, "The writers, like those at other agencies who have sent similar missives in recent weeks, declined to sign their names to the letter."

Leadership, how does it work?

Speaking of leadership, a real president would fire every single intern under his purview, regardless of whether they signed or not, as a message to anyone else who might show such a lack of respect and decorum. Interns aren't "the leaders of tomorrow." They're disposable help until they can prove otherwise. For every intern in DC, there are 50 more identically ambitious recent college grads who would happily to replace them. 

But... hell, Business Insider reported this week that "it sure looks like corporate America isn't afraid of Joe Biden anymore," Venezuela — with help from Iranian, Russian, and Chinese military advisors — is preparing to invade neighboring Guyana without a peep from the White House, Congressional Democrats worried about reelection have dropped the Bidenomics brand, and Blackwater founder Erick Prince just told RealClear that "this feels like a second Carter administration where we just got our asses kicked, as America, all over the world."

So if some puffed-up Washington interns think they can run foreign policy better than Joe Biden can... well, why wouldn't they think that?

Previously on Insanity Wrap: Green Energy Chickens Have Come Home to Roost, Poop on Everything

Before We Continue, Here's a Short Video to Restore Your Faith in Everything...

I'm not crying; you're crying.

Your Weekly Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest

How about one more feel-good item?

The Federalist and the Daily Wire are joined now by the state of Texas in the kind of lawsuit we need to see more of.

The three are suing to stop “one of the most audacious, manipulative, secretive, and gravest abuses of power and infringements of First Amendment rights by the federal government in American history,” says the lawsuit. It exposes federal censorship activities even beyond the dramatic discoveries in a pending U.S. Supreme Court case, Murthy v. Missouri (also known as Missouri v. Biden).

The suit alleges that the State Department "is illegally using a counterterrorism center intended to fight foreign 'disinformation' instead to stop American citizens from speaking and listening to information government officials dislike."

State is also "actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavored press outlets unprofitable by funding the infrastructure, development, and marketing and promotion of censorship technology and private censorship enterprises to covertly suppress speech of a segment of the American press."

As a columnist who has had his work suppressed and demonetized more times than I care to think about, I hope this suit drives a stake in the heart of censorship for a generation or more.

But the lawsuit is really about something much larger and more important than State Department abuse, the survival of PJ Media, or whether your Friendly Neighborhood VodkaPundit will be reduced to ordering martinis made with gin from the well.

It's about what it means to be the United States of America. And whether that means anything anymore.

Quote(s) of the Week

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss totally, publicly contradicting and humiliating yourself. 

There's also this: Witnesses share brutal accounts of sexual violence during October 7 attack.

How About Some More People Washington Could Do Without?

The Washington Post's unionized journalists will stage a 24-hour walkout on Thursday "to protest staff cuts and what they call management's failure to bargain in good faith."

The talks have been going on for 18 months.

The Post is owned by Amazon founder and rocket hobbyist Jeff Bezos, who bought the paper ten years ago for $250 million. But since Donald Trump left office, revenues are down, subscribership is down, and the paper's reputation is in tatters.

And now the Post's oh-so-very-biased reporters might walk out or even lose their jobs.

Join me in raising a glass to them, won't you?

Exclusively for our VIPs: Russia's Coming Implosion (and Ours, Too)

A quick little something before we get to the closing meme… 

If you like our exclusive content for PJ Media VIPs — like video podcasts, live chats with your favorite PJ personalities, and an ad-free experience — you'll love a VIP GOLD membership, with similar exclusives at all six Townhall news sites. 

You can become a VIP GOLD member right here — with a 25% discount if you use the INSANITYWRAP promo code. We'd love to have you go GOLD.

One More Thing...

Cute — but I'm going to take a pass on playing this one. I like my video games to be an escape from reality.

That's a Wrap for this week. 

Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap…

…assuming we make it that long. 


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