
Insanity Wrap: Green Energy Chickens Have Come Home to Roost, Poop on Everything

AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File

"A highly paid senior managing director of a green energy firm thought it was going to be quick and easy to transition a [dr-evil-voice] 25 TRILLION DOLLAR [/dr-evil-voice] economy that runs mostly on oil and gas to all-electric." That's the lead crazy on today's Insanity Wrap, an entire week's worth of the best bad news.


  • "She's Got Balls" isn't just an AC/DC song.
  • The border scene that makes KJP go all Sgt. Schultz.
  • Top Dem donor wants Biden to exit stage left, pronto.

Before we get to today's big story, here's a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity...

How Long Can You Stand to Watch?

I watched the whole thing this week — no great accomplishment, since it's only 13 seconds long.

But it's a parody, right? This has to be a parody clip.


Please tell me it's a parody, even if you have to lie. 

About That Green Energy Transition...

It was going to be so easy, transitioning to green, clean, renewable energy. Tax a little of this, subsidize a lot of that, and mandate everything else. That everything would move on a timeline that would make the proles squeal with the pain of higher prices for everything... well, those screams add to the thrills you get from saving the planet.

But suddenly things don't look so good.

“We’re in the moment of realization now where some of the euphoria has worn off and we’re starting to realize it’s still not going to be easy," is what Eric Scheriff, senior managing director at Capstone Green Energy told Bloomberg this week.

A highly paid senior managing director of a green energy firm thought it was going to be quick and easy to transition a [dr-evil-voice] 25 TRILLION DOLLAR [/dr-evil-voice] economy that runs mostly on oil and gas to all-electric. Try wrapping your head around just how stupid the smart people really are.

Today, Zero Hedge reported that clean energy stocks have lost $30 billion in value over the last six months. That's 25% off the top, for those keeping score at home. The fallout includes canceled projects, scaled-back plans, and plain old bankruptcies on everything from EV battery plants to wind farms. 

Even with all those taxes, subsidies, and mandates.

Don't you worry about your congresscritter's portfolio, which probably went deep into green energy stocks just as soon as they were sure the Inflation Reduction Act/Green Nude Eel was a done deal. They're doing just fine, trust me.

Nevertheless, the taxes, subsidies, and mandates will continue until morale improves. Do you know what won't improve? The amount of carbon we emit each year.

This fascinating report from Francisco Toro (h/t to PJ's own Charlie Martin) concludes that "there’s no question that the reason carbon emissions continue to rise is that the global population keeps growing, and is also getting richer on average," more than canceling out any gains made by going green (and going broke in the process).

Yes, that does mean that the real solution to carbon emissions is to shrink the number of people and make them poorer — which is why "de-growth" is already all the rage in Europe.

Nevertheless, the taxes, subsidies, and mandates will continue.

You might wonder why Washington learned nothing from the $535 million Solyndra scandal during Barack Obama's first planet-saving term — but the reality is it learned plenty. Washington learned that it could hand out money to cronies by the billions, and it didn't matter whether or not anything "green" came to pass. Doe-eyed supporters (and well-heeled cronies) will keep voting (and lobbying) for more of the same.

So the taxes, subsidies, and mandates will continue along this fake quest to save the planet — until we clean up Washington for real.

        Previously On Insanity Wrap: Decolonize Your Racist Sofa

Before We Continue, Here's a Short Video to Restore Your Faith in Everything

And I thought I spoiled my dogs, adding canned beef and chicken pâté to their kibble.

Please don't show them this video.




I don't need to add anything else, do I?

Quote(s) of the Week

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss totally, publicly contradicting and humiliating yourself.

Welcome to the Party, Pal

"Billionaire megadonor Bill Ackman says Biden should step aside," The Hill reported this week.

Here's a greatest hits collection of what Ackman had to say on Bloomberg's David Rubenstein Show, followed by your Quick & Dirty VodkaPundit Translation of Politics to English.

"I think Biden’s done a lot of good things. But I think his legacy will not [be] a good one if he is the nominee."

Translation: It doesn't matter what he's done because he's going to drag us all down with him — and then it will be Democrats trashing him at every opportunity.

“You need to be at your intellectual best. And I don’t think Biden is there. I don’t say that, you know, with any derision of the president. But I think he’s clearly past his physical and cognitive peak.”

Translation: Biden's brain is pudding, and he was never that bright to begin with.

“I do think the right thing for Biden to do is step aside, and to say he’s not going to run, and create the opportunity for some competition.”

Translation: We are so screwed.

        Exclusively for our VIPs: Russia's Coming Implosion (and Ours, Too)

A quick little something before we get to the closing meme...

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One More Thing...

That's a Wrap for this week.

Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap... 

...assuming we make it that long.

P.S. Need a little mirth after all of the week’s serious news? Then don't miss the "Five O'Clock Somewhere" VIP Gold Live Chat with Stephen Kruiser and Yours Truly at 3 p.m. Eastern on Mondays and Fridays. There is sometimes a special guest and almost always day-drinking.


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