The Media Is Concussed
Wishing a most happy Monday to you, my dear Kruiser Morning Briefing readers.
I didn’t want to begin the week going off on the mainstream media since that’s where we left off last week, but the MSM hacks couldn’t leave well enough alone over the weekend.
I have had several conversations with people in the past few days who are completely unaware of just how bad things have gotten in Portland. Many of these people do pay a fair amount of attention to the news, but they’ve still missed the Portland stuff.
Because it’s not in the news. It is perhaps the biggest news in the country, but it isn’t being reported.
Portland doesn’t fit the narrative. In fact, it destroys the narrative.
Were we to believe the media, what’s happening in Portland is merely some mild unrest being acted out by some restless kids. What’s actually happening is such a nightmare that the cops there want to quit their jobs and peace out.
The mainstream media in America is not just irresponsible, it is absolutely delusional at times.
Yesterday we witnessed one of the most remarkably out-of-touch moments in modern mainstream media history when CNN’s Brian Stelter wondered aloud if any anti-Trump media existed on the left.
It was a truly stunning question, one that I believe Stelter genuinely doesn’t know the answer to because he is so ideologically isolated.

Poppin’ Fresh Stelter may very well be the worst of the leftist media types because his job is to monitor other media for CNN. It has to be a herculean effort for him to be as obtuse as he is.
Sit back and wonder for a moment how any on-air CNN personality could ask with a straight face if any anti-Trump media happened to be out there. It’s so preposterous that you almost want to pity the person asking because he or she is obviously mentally impaired.
Modern American news media is engaged in a daily abuse of its First Amendment privileges. Originally tasked with speaking truth to power, the MSM now is, for the most part, the power. Well, the power for the Left.
What the MSM is doing is a blatant perversion of the rights given to it by the First Amendment. Rather than being freedom’s voice, the American mainstream media is now tyranny’s hammer.

CNN, MSNBC, and the nightly news networks are doing the socialist devil’s work. What every one of them doesn’t grasp is that they will be the first to be disposed of by the kinds of regimes they are hoping to usher in.
Alternative digital media is becoming an ever-stronger counter to the MSM, but the latter still retains enough power to be a truly freedom-destroying force.
And they’re becoming more destructive each day.
Valid Question
Can you imagine the uproar if this was a GOP Guv?
Multiple Errors By Newsom’s Team Caused Massive Blockage In California Coronavirus Reporting System; 250,000-300,000 Records Still Delayed via @Deadline— Former "Clump of Cells" (@AlexaShrugged) August 10, 2020
Not Everyone in Seattle Is an Insane Commie
Thousands of Defend @SeattlePD Supporters send a huge message to Seattle City Council. Crowd is chanting “vote no.” This is the largest turnout thus far!
— Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸 (@KatieDaviscourt) August 9, 2020
PJM Linktank
The New York Times Just Made an Embarrassing Error
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Trump’s Executive Orders Force Democrats to Call for Renewed Talks on Pandemic Relief
Joe Biden Tries to Make a Point About COVID-19 Cases, Makes Himself Look Bad Instead
MSNBC Virtually Silent Over Biden Gaffes
‘Resign or Hang!’ Shots Fired During Lebanon Protest as the People’s Anger at Government Boils Over
This is getting weird. Another Democrat Says Hydroxychloroquine Saved His Life
More 4-D chess: BRILLIANT: Trump Forces Democrats to Oppose COVID Relief
Ilhan Omar Won’t Get Prosecuted for Immigration Fraud, Showing Who Really Has the Privilege
AOC Complains That Private Charity Exists, Saying Government Replaces It ‘In a Just Society’
What Happened When New York Put Homeless People in Luxury Hotels? Double Face Palm
Troll Master General Trump Humiliates Press About Stupid Pandemic Restrictions
New York Times Now Admits Seattle’s CHOP Was Not the ‘Block Party’ They Claimed It Was
The L.A. Times Says There’s a ‘SWAT Mafia’ in the LAPD – the Statistics Say Otherwise
Oops. The New York Times Just Made an Embarrassing Error
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The Kruiser Kabana Episode 58: If You’re Not Day Drinking, You’re Not Paying Attention
VodkaPundit: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Myth of American Institutional Racism
It Makes Sense That China Prefers Joe Biden. Here’s Why.
Feminists Attempt to Appropriate Trad-Fem Culture With Phony ‘Cottagecore’
The Fringe with Megan Fox, Episode 25: Feminists Appropriate Trad Fem Culture with #Cottagecore
Did Every Village Elect Its Idiots to City Council and the Mayor’s Office…or Just Democrats?
Me again. Cable News Isn’t a Cancer, It’s a Business Model That Delivers to Its Consumers
VIP Gold
How Much Election “Meddling” Is Really Going On With Russia And China?
From the Mothership and Beyond
Are Democrats Pondering Civil War If Biden Loses?
Her angst delights me: NJ Karen Freaks Over Grown-Ups With “Finger Guns”
Schlichter: The Tide Turns Toward Trump
Looks Like Biden Can’t Remember How Much He Loves Payroll Tax Cuts
Jordan, Scalise Explain the Real Reason the NY AG Is Going After the NRA
Wallace Won’t Let Pelosi Forget Congress Failed to Compromise on a Coronavirus Relief Package
Mnuchin Warns Democrats To Think Twice Before Challenging Trump’s Coronavirus Executive Orders
Kinda/Sorta The Media’s Coverage of Sturgis Rally Seems Different Than Recent Large Gatherings
Trump Backs an Issue and Pelosi Suddenly Flip-Flops
Hey, Susan Rice! Biden May Conduct Final Interviews With Potential Runnings Mates This Week
This is beautiful. ‘Target Tori’ Is Paying It Forward For ‘Kroger Andy’ And It Is So 2020
California Weighs Anti-Karen 911 Call Hate Crime Law
In Colorado, The Police Are Canceling Themselves
Democrat Gov. Confounds ‘Face the Nation’, Prog School Board With Push for In-Person Learning
Gov. Kristi Noem invites debate commission to hold fourth debate in South Dakota in early September
Reduct This
Ellen to Go on ‘Ellen’ to Rehabilitate Her Image:
— Reductress (@Reductress) August 7, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
— Archillect (@archillect) August 10, 2020
One of my favorite things is listening to great hitters talk about hitting.
I’ve never had a michelada.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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