Results for: On Media

The Decline and Fall of a Race Hustler
– He used his media celebrity to start the Center for Antiracist Research in 2020. … “It was unbelievable that an institution like that, with so much spotlight on it, just did not have systems. … Related: Far Left Democrats Rail Against Biden's 'Shift to the Right' on the BorderDespite DEI falling out of favor on some campuses…
Newspaper Publishes Most Obvious Thing Ever, Everybody Goes Bat-Guano Crazy…t-obvious-thing-ever-everybody-goes-bat-guano-crazy-n4929624
– We live on the stupidest of all possible timelines, in which a newspaper publishes the least newsworthy story of all time, and people … who know better use it to whip their social media followers into an outraged paranoid tizzy. … provide a little reason and perspective — I told you we live in a stupid time.The Daily Mail, in its typically breathless style, on
White Boy Summer Alert: Flagstock Is ON
– It's official: Flagstock is ON. … WBS was first observed in the United States in 2021, after Hanx released a statement on social media. … WBS was a follow-on to Megan Thee Stallion's "Hot Girl Summer" in 2019.…
What a Bad Day to Be a Democrat
–  Tons of PJ Media readers now listen to The Kevin Downey, Jr. Radio show every Mon-Fri, 10-11 a.m. EST. … New York City decided to incur a $15 "congestion tax" on people who travel south of 60th St. in Manhattan. … But he is on his own turf, so it's hard to say how this case will go.…
A Look at the Cataclysmic Wreckage From Media-Predicted Trump Trial Riots…om-the-devastating-media-predicted-republican-riots-n4929578
on the streets. … read on who was inflaming the masses to start the violence. …  Thank you for being a PJ Media VIP.…
Did Joe Biden Poop Himself at the D-Day Event?
– If there was any doubt that the United States is no longer a serious country with a serious mainstream media, let's consider it settled … X, not the image that Joe Biden wanted to present in the middle of an election season on a trip abroad. … on behalf of the administration.…
IDF Hits UNRWA School Housing '30-40' Terrorists
– He said that intelligence indicated that militants had used the school compound to orchestrate some of the attacks on Oct. 7 and that … at least 20 militants there were using it currently as a “staging realm” to launch attacks on Israeli soldiers. … The military gave no evidence for its claims and released a photo of the school, pointing to classrooms on the second and third floor…
The Myth That Biden Had Nothing To Do with the Prosecutions of Trump…en-had-nothing-to-do-with-the-prosecutions-of-trump-n4929690
– be tagged as a "convicted felon" by the November election while being kept off the campaign trail.Politico has long prided itself on … So, apparently, it was not enough for the shameless Bragg to campaign flagrantly on promises to go after Trump. … former prosecutor, a left-wing judge, and a Manhattan jury may well keep Trump off the campaign trail.So, it is past time for the media
Corporate State Media Fauci Rehabilitation Tour in Full Swing
– Based on damning recent testimony and leaked emails from his former top aide outlining the duo’s collusion to break federal records … Fauci has never been riper.Related: MTG Gives Fauci’s Beagle Torture Program New OxygenThis is, I believe, why the corporate state media … little Mengele protégé, as Morens perjured himself and is on record conspiring to break federal records laws.…
The Morning Briefing: Merrick Garland's KGB Is Keeping America Safe From Pro-Life Grandmas…kgb-is-keeping-america-safe-from-pro-life-grandmas-n4929609
–  The Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media have adopted a talking point to push back on that accusation. … It's free and it supports conservative media! … Matt Gaetz Grills Merrick Garland on the DOJ's Involvement in the Trump TrialVIPBecome part of the PJ Media VIP party by subscribing…
Bad News for the Commies, Globalists, and Hate-Mongers: Supporting Trump is Now Cool
– "I am speaking on their behalf. This is what they say. … the clownish hate peddlers on the left. … They flashed messages on their phone to me that read, "We hate Sleepy Joe too" and "Build a wall."…
New York Times Unwittingly Lets Slip the Real Reason Behind Biden's Asylum Executive Order…he-real-reason-behind-bidens-asylum-executive-order-n4929570
On the rare occasions that actual issues are the topic of conversation in this election, most Americans on the Right believe that the …  We'll keep on top of the Left's media bias narrative machine. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
Even the MSM Can't Hide How Stupid Biden's Ceasefire Plan Is
– I became aware of Tchakarova (via CDR Salamander) after Tchakarova reposted her dead-on 2021 forecast on Monday.None of this column … is meant to imply that the Mainstream Media has suddenly turned pro-Donald Trump or anti-Biden. … And on days like today, it isn't worth the effort to try.…
Flashback: Barack Obama Offered Jeremiah Wright Hush Money During 2008 Campaign
– Man, the media ate me alive,” Wright told Klein. … “After the media went ballistic on me, I received an e-mail offering me money not to preach at all until the November presidential … I don’t know if he had a wire on him. His security was outside somewhere.…
Trump Needs to Get Out of His Own Way If Debate With Biden Actually Happens…f-his-own-way-if-debate-with-biden-actually-happens-n4929573
– The first one is supposed to be on the 27th of this month and the second is scheduled for September 10. … You can help PJ Media by becoming a part of our VIP subscriber family. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
The Morning Briefing: Anthony Fauci Deserves a Gulag of His Own
– The mainstream media hacks who were incurious pandemic government propagandists never question them. … It's free and it supports conservative media! … Media and Students Do Precisely What Hamas Leader UrgedKA-CHING.…
‘Trans’ Athlete Whines for More Applause After Stealing Girls’ Championship…for-more-applause-after-stealing-girls-championship-n4929623
– “Veronica” Garcia no doubt thought he’d get the same starry-eyed congratulations and cheers that educational, political, and media … fastest "girl" in the each state has been a boy.— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) May 25, 2024Garcia did cheer on … “I guess maybe I expected sportsmanship because I was cheering the rest of them on when they were called.…
On This Anniversary of the Six-Day War, What Can We Learn to Save the West?…the-six-day-war-what-can-we-learn-to-save-the-west-n4929612
– Yasser Arafat proceeded to be the terrorist arm of the Arabs.In the two years prior to the Six-Day War, the PLO committed 113 attacks onOn May 23, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran, creating a blockade that entirely cut Israel off from the Suez and any shipping to or …  While this biased media continues to promote the idea that the Arabs only want to live in peace, intelligent people who have…
This Might Be the Most Insane Take on Biden and the ‘Rule of Law'
– heard about Joe Biden, this one ranks extremely high up there as one of the most insane takes possible.During a recent appearance on … ) June 3, 2024I could go on extensively about how Weissman admits that Biden has the power to instruct the DOJ to do whatever he wants … Supervisory Special Agent, and Joseph Ziegler, a criminal investigator, testified that Hunter Biden listed payments to prostitutes on
Will the Trump Verdict Save Biden’s Campaign?
– data (pre- and post-conviction – 800 likely voters per night), voters appeared to shrug at the court ruling as there was NO impact on … any of the ballots,” a veteran GOP pollster said in a campaign memo that PJ Media received. … shifts based on the ruling,” Fabrizio writes.That hasn’t stopped the media from pushing the narrative that Trump’s seen a devastating…
Of 'Convicted Felons' and Lying Frauds
– We'll find out on July 11 -- just a few days before the Republican National Convention. … On the foreign front, Biden has hamstrung Ukraine in its defense against Russia, and openly manipulated on behalf of Iran and Hamas … In 2020, Biden ran on the platform of stability and normalcy; he has exploded both.…
U.S. Citizen Alleges State Department Arbitrarily Confiscated His Passport at Airport…ent-arbitrarily-confiscated-his-passport-at-airport-n4929643
– The hits just keep on coming for the Land of the Free.Last week, government alchemists conjured a 34-felony conviction for the leading … Marine Corps intelligence officer, and a convicted sex offender, told Russian state-run news agency Tass on Tuesday that he was removed … Eight days later, on the very morning—Hong Kong time—that his passport was revoked, Mr.…
Another Trans Crime You Didn't Hear About
– This terrifying tale happened about a month ago, but you would never hear about it unless you live in Houston (hello, PJ Media readers … Karon" Fisher, a 20-year-old transgender "woman," randomly attacked and murdered a man named Steven Anderson in Houston on May 3 in … broad daylight, on camera and everything.According to ABC13, Anderson was going to collect his mail that morning when Fisher ran him…
U.S. Media and Students Do Precisely What Hamas Leader Urged
– non-Muslims around the world have made spectacles of themselves supporting the Palestinian terrorists against Israel.Mashal went on … We want a media Flood that will deliver its message. … We want the truthful Palestinian narrative to reach far and to control all social media platforms and all forums.…
Israelis Weigh in on the State of the War Against Hamas
– The media and pundits have spent plenty of time looking at what Americans think about Israel’s war against Hamas. … squeaky-wheel protesters and loud politicians voicing their affinity for the terrorists.But what do Israelis think about what’s going on … world conflicts, and hearing what Israelis think about what's happening on their soil should give us a deeper perspective.…
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