Results for: On Media

Finally! Ronna McDaniel OUT at RNC
On Monday, Trump wrote on Truth Social, "Ronna is now Head of the RNC, and I’ll be making a decision the day after the South Carolina … , floral arrangements, media booking consultants, and limousines. … The RNC went ballistic over Van Laar's reporting, which RedState and the Townhall Media family stand by.  🧵 Here we go.…
The Morning Briefing: Disney's Woke Chickens Keep Coming Home to Roost…ing-disneys-woke-chickens-keep-coming-home-to-roost-n4926188
– social media. … It's free and it supports conservative media!   … This Is the Juiciest Conspiracy Theory About the British Royals EVER Steals on Wheels: NYC Asylum Scammers on Mopeds Rob and Terrorize…
Hell Yes, I Miss George Santos
– It often seems as if their backroom meetings are solely focused on new ways to screw things up. … I encourage everyone to read all of Ed's post, but here's the part that is most relevant to this column: The flop on the Mayorkas … It’s free and it supports conservative media! Subscribe…
I Am Looking Forward to Being Out of Sync With Everyone I Work and/or Hang Out With in 2024…nc-with-everyone-i-work-andor-hang-out-with-in-2024-n4926220
– This could mean that I am now forming my opinions based on the opinions of others, but that's not the case. … If I think the situation calls for me to stand on an island and scream at everyone surrounding it, that's what I'll do.  … It’s free and it supports conservative media! Subscribe…
Biden Regime Spends Millions to Ensure That You See Only What It Wants You to See…o-ensure-that-you-see-only-what-it-wants-you-to-see-n4926192
– then be passed to social media giants.” … The program’s manager, Michael Pozmantier, says it is “focused on combatting mis/disinformation.” … , which is shining a light on this sinister program in hopes of seeing it ended.…
Google's New AI Image Generator Is So Great I Want to Reprogram It With an Axe
– AI image generation can be a useful tool here at PJ Media sometimes, like when our AP Image library doesn't have a photo that quite … ImageFX somehow managed a pensive look on an immobile metal face. But what happens when we put it all together? Bad things. … go HAL 9000 on me and refuse the open the pod bay doors.        …
Turkey Revives Plan to Convert Another Historic Church Into a Triumphal Mosque…ert-another-historic-church-into-a-triumphal-mosque-n4926227
On Feb. 23, Turkey plans to reinforce its Islamic identity and “holy war spirit” by converting one of the most celebrated and important … A church was first built on the site of the present Chora Church early in the fourth century. … This is done on purpose, so as to declare the victory of Islam over the other religion that once had a holy place on that spot and…
Actress Gina Carano Announces Lawsuit Against Disney Over Her Firing From 'The Mandalorian'…against-disney-over-her-firing-from-the-mandalorian-n4926191
– They've produced bomb after bomb at the box office and even on their streaming service. … social media. … However, the posts in question originated on Carano’s Instagram Stories. …
Now We Know…border-security-bill-reveals-washingtons-priorities-n4926151
– That's why it's important for outlets like PJ Media to sound the alarm and report the truth about what's going on at the border. … If you're a regular reader, you know that you can count on us here at PJ Media to tell the truth and keep you up to date on what's … going on in the world.…
Democrats Aren't Preparing to Throw Kamala Harris Under Any Buses Just Yet…ing-to-throw-kamala-harris-under-any-buses-just-yet-n4926190
– DOCTOR Biden to sign off on that.  What to do about Kamala Harris is the larger concern in this scenario. … The Dems' flying monkeys in the mainstream media have been ramping up their pro-Harris, "YAS, Queen!" … It’s free and it supports conservative media! Subscribe…
RIP: Toby Keith Was the Country Singer Everyone Wanted to Party With…as-the-country-singer-everyone-wanted-to-party-with-n4926176
– The news was announced on Keith’s official website as well as his social media channels. … All of them said they loved being on tour with Keith because he was such a great guy.  … It’s free and it supports conservative media! Subscribe…
Parental Rights in Their Sights: Jennifer Crumbley Found GUILTY!
– But if you are a white gun owner…the crosshairs are on you.”                … PJ Media reached out to Runkle for comment on the verdict. … “I believe the jury on Jennifer Crumbley’s case was acting on emotion and not reason,” he said.…
World Economic Forum Capo: Trump Will Be ‘Death Blow’ to ‘Global Order’
– That’s why, with notable and curious exceptions we won’t go into here, Americans and most any other nation of people on Earth do not … He devotes himself to inventing elaborate justifications for it and disseminating them in corporate state media propaganda campaigns … Were Trump half the kind of monster they portray him as, we might actually get some movement on dislodging Harari and Co. from their…
AI Is Coming for Your Job?
– The media warn, "Artificial intelligence will replace millions of jobs."  … In my new video, they chant, "Do not have these self-driving vehicles on San Francisco streets, taking jobs!" … Today, only about 1% of Americans work on farms.  Are the former farmers out of work?…
The Morning Briefing: A Quick Ride on the RFK Jr Third Party Unicorn Distraction…ride-on-the-rfk-jr-third-party-unicorn-distraction-n4926155
– (The Sine Qua Non Sequitur is on hiatus and will return sometime before Easter.) … There was a lengthy feature story on RFK Jr. on one of the local Detroit newscasts on Monday night. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  …
Pilates is Racist, Trans, and Fat-phobic. And MAGA.
– mirror before spending 15 minutes on their phones. … Some person on social media said so, and she even has a whiteboard diagram that would turn Glenn Beck positively green with envy. … On the other hand, they do vote. So that's something to worry about while you're on the treadmill.…
Tucker Carlson Explains Why He's Interviewing Vladimir Putin…nterviewing-vladimir-putin-and-heres-the-reason-why-n4926187
– At the same time, our politicians and media outlets have been doing this — promoting a foreign leader like he's a new consumer brand … Carlson then told about how the Biden Administration illegally spied on Carlson’s text messages to thwart his planned interview with … "Elon Musk, to his great credit, has promised not to suppress or block this interview once it's posted on his platform X and we're…
Media Lies: Those January Jobs Gains Never Happened
– When Washington makes them up and the media dutifully report them with all due breathlessness. … Horwitt added, "On every measure compared to 2020, Biden has declined. … Recommended: Another Media Outlet Crashes and Burns…
The Morning Briefing: Election in El Salvador Is a Triggering Event for American Commies
– Populism has gotten a bad rap in the mainstream media for a very long time. … It's free and it supports conservative media!   … Media and Ilhan Omar Threaten Interference VodkaPundit, Part Deux. …
Federal Appeals Court Rules on Trump Immunity…court-rules-trump-doesnt-have-presidential-immunity-n4926169
– In a unanimous decision on Tuesday, a federal appeals court declared that former President Donald Trump does not have presidential … Trump's legal team asserted that a criminal indictment against him would have a "chilling effect" on future presidents because it would … office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement received by PJ Media
Shocking NBC Poll Shows Why Biden Is in HUGE Trouble
– "On every measure compared to 2020, Biden has declined. … But the cross-tabs on specific issues are absolutely devastating. … That person would get clobbered in the press and social media. …
Steals on Wheels: NYC Asylum Scammers on Mopeds Rob and Terrorize New Yorkers…ammers-ride-mopeds-to-rob-and-terrorize-new-yorkers-n4926159
– NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell appeared on FOX 5's "Good Day New York" Monday to discuss the problem with the show's hosts. … What is going on? I heard that something happened overnight with the NYPD." "Right. … Big impact on crime, this migrant Venezuelan crew that's preying on our city. We cannot have this anymore.…
Dearborn Named ‘America’s Jihad Capital,’ Mayor and Biden Respond About the Way You’d Expect…l-mayor-and-biden-respond-about-the-way-youd-expect-n4926143
– This was an eyebrow-raising exposition by Steven Stalinsky of the indispensable Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) of how … The leftist wonk who runs his X account declared on Sunday, “Americans know that blaming a group of people based on the words of a … Should its mayor be more concerned about that than about clamping down on criticism?…
Trump Is WAY Too Late to the 'Ronna McDaniel Is an Incompetent Idiot' Party…to-the-ronna-mcdaniel-is-an-incompetent-idiot-party-n4926156
– : Forget Leftist Voter Fraud — Republicans Are Great at Losing Elections All by Themselves Yeah, it's nice that Trump is finally on … There is a lot to like about Trump, but the fact that he often places a higher premium on loyalty than competence isn't admirable. … It’s free and it supports conservative media! Subscribe…
And Just Like That: Hollywood Glitterati Concede That Trump May Be 'the Answer'
– ck Stain 2024 is on the table!!!! … Hip hop artist Killer Mike appeared on Bill Maher's program on Friday night and was asked to endorse Biden. He couldn't do it. … then you've also picked up on another problem with the Biden regime. …
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