Here's How We Know Pam Bondi Is a Great Choice for Attorney General

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Donald Trump wasted no time picking a replacement nominee for Attorney General after Matt Gaetz withdrew his name from consideration.

"I am proud to announce former Attorney General of the Great State of Florida, Pam Bondi, as our next Attorney General of the United States," Trump announced in a post on Truth Social Thursday evening. 


 “For too long, the partisan Department of Justice has been weaponized against me and other Republicans—Not anymore,” Trump added. "Pam will refocus the DOJ to its intended purpose of fighting Crime, and Making America Safe Again."

And the liberal media wasted no time flipping out after Bondi was announced as the new nominee. Which is exactly how we know this was a great pick from Trump.

Case in point: MSNBC political contributor Jason Johnson, a political science professor at Morgan State University, went on an unhinged rant about why Pam Bondi will be "worse" than Matt Gaetz would have been.

"Pam Bondi is what we should all fear cuz she's competent. We may not agree with her ideologically, but she actually knows how to do this job," Johnson said. "So, if anyone on the Democratic side or anyone — or anyone who cared about liberty and justice was thinking 'Well maybe Matt Gaetz will screw this up and that will give us some time,' well, no."

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"Pam Bondi knows what she's doing," Johnson continued. "She knows what she's doing about immigration. Remember, Florida has been one of those states that has been very aggressive about migrants and deportation and moving people to different states. And everything else like that. Florida has enacted all sorts of rules and laws to curtail students and what they can do on campuses, and finding legal justifications for manipulating education money."


I already like the pick, Johnson. You don't have to keep selling me on it.

Johnson concluded, "She is a dangerous and effective pick. And that's, frankly, worse than what we would have gotten with Matt Gaetz, even with the deplorable moral background he has."

Even CNN’s Elie Honig admitted that Bondi is "without a question qualified to be Attorney General."

Honig pointed out that Bondi has "been a prosecutor for 20 years in Florida. For eight of those, she was the attorney general of the state. That's a very big, very complicated job‚ and that level of experience is on par with or better than most United States Attorneys General that we've seen over the past 50 years or so." 

Matt Gaetz’s nomination faced significant obstacles, dogged by persistent rumors of a sex scandal and doubts about his experience and temperament. While many of the allegations were baseless — even the Biden DOJ refused to press charges — they still tarnished his image and cast a shadow over his political career. Skepticism within the GOP was enough to doom his confirmation before it even began.


Pam Bondi, however, comes without that baggage. As demonstrated by her stellar record and Johnson’s attacks on MSNBC, Bondi is a sharp, effective leader — qualities that have the radical left in a panic. Democrats know that, unlike Gaetz, she's likely to be confirmed, which is why their attacks will escalate. Make no mistake: they fear her. Republicans must stand ready to counter the inevitable smear campaign and fight to see Bondi confirmed.


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