Results for: "beyond the briefing"

Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—My Personal Journey to MAGAfication
– It's video time again! For two days, I had planned on covering a completely different topic. Then, as I was perusing the news for the day on Thursday morning, the word "MAGAfication" popped into my head, and I knew what to do. via GIPHYI had never been a hardcore MAGA type,...
The Morning Briefing: Rocket Week in America Was Pretty Cool and a Welcome Distraction…n-america-was-pretty-cool-and-a-welcome-distraction-n4929673
–  Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—My Personal Journey to MAGAfication'Unwoke' Free-for-All #72: Squandering What the Greatest Generation…
Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—I Have Never Killed Any of Kristi Noem's Dogs…riefingi-have-never-killed-any-of-kristi-noems-dogs-n4928603
– We're all familiar with politicians — especially Republicans — saying really dumb things while on camera or anywhere near a microphone. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem decided to have her Supreme Moment of Dumb while writing a book, leaving everyone to wonder what in the heck she was thinking.via GIPHYNot...
The Morning Briefing: Woke Scolds Won't Be Able to Cancel Jerry Seinfeld…g-woke-scolds-wont-be-able-to-cancel-jerry-seinfeld-n4928601
– Trust me, we’re having fun over here.Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—I Have Never Killed Any of Kristi Noem's DogsWhy Are Democrats…
Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing' — Liz Cheney Needs to Zip It and Crawl Back Under a Rock…cheney-needs-to-zip-it-and-crawl-back-under-a-rock-n4928450
– If there is one thing that sane, patriotic Americans who truly care about the future of the Republic can agree on, it's that Liz Cheney is an absolutely horrible human being. via GIPHYBecause the Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media LOVE Republicans who lose, Dick's daughter is the belle of...
The Morning Briefing: Let the Protesters Stay Until Academia Burns to the Ground…protesters-stay-until-academia-burns-to-the-ground-n4928456
–  Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing' — Liz Cheney Needs to Zip It and Crawl Back Under a RockThe Only Thing Missing From the NYC Trump…
Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—I've Voted for the Same Candidate for Decades…riefingive-voted-for-the-same-candidate-for-decades-n4928281
– This is a quick rumination on the fact that the social media era has turned so many people into the neighbor busybody (Shout out to Mrs. Kravitz!), always asking prying questions and generally being irritating.  via GIPHYThere are times when conflict avoidance and polite hemming and hawing don't help at all....
Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—How Will WWIII Affect Your Travel Plans?…the-briefinghow-will-wwiii-affect-your-travel-plans-n4928226
– Now more than ever, the world is reaping the "benefits" of Joe Biden's weakness and addled approach to what his handlers call diplomacy. It's a bit of a mess. via GIPHYAs promised, I put on a shirt with buttons and recorded a video in front of the tripod with slightly better lighting....
Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—AZ Supreme Court Sends Dem Beta Males to the Fainting Couches…court-sends-dem-beta-males-to-the-fainting-couches-n4928062
– Because the world isn't supposed to make any sense, something called the "male feminist" has become a thing on the American Left in the last 50 years. Put mildly, they're a delicate lot. via GIPHYWhenever there is any news about Republicans and abortion, social media is suddenly awash in lib beta males...
Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing' — I Vow to Not Stop Golfing Until I Find O.J.'s Real Killer…ow-to-not-stop-golfing-until-i-find-ojs-real-killer-n4928102
– After a busy morning of writing, I finally got online and found out that O.J. Simpson had decided to look for his ex-wife's killer in another realm. Despite the fact that we never met, I just knew that he would want me to give a heartfelt response to his passing.via...
The Morning Briefing: Biden Could Have at Least Mentioned WWIII in His SOTU Address…d-have-at-least-mentioned-wwiii-in-his-sotu-address-n4928169
–  A couple of weeks ago, in a "Beyond the Briefing" video, I mentioned an exchange I'd seen between ABC's Jon Karl and Sen.…
The Morning Briefing: Poor O.J. Never Found Nicole's Real Killer
– Trust me, we’re having fun over here.A "Beyond the Briefing" Two-fer! … Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—AZ Supreme Court Sends Dem Beta Males to the Fainting CouchesKruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing' — I Vow…
Kruiser's (Almost) Daily Distraction: Leave the Blair Witch Alone
– I've also got a new setup for my "Beyond the Briefing" vids, and there are going to be a lot more of them.…
Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing' — Ships Weren't Running Into Bridges When Trump Was President…erent-running-into-bridges-when-trump-was-president-n4927836
– It's been far too long, my friends. The "BTB" video hiatus is over, and we are relaunching with some quick thoughts about the state of affairs under Joe Biden's puppet presidency.via GIPHYThere's going to be a lot more video content from me this election year. Sometimes it's better just to...
The Morning Briefing: Christmas Day 2 — Keeping It Light Under the Dark Clouds…istmas-day-2-keeping-it-light-under-the-dark-clouds-n4925011
– The podcasts and "Beyond the Briefing" will be returning in the new year with as much wit and fanfare as we can get away with. …
The Morning Briefing: Let's Hope Joe Biden Doesn't Get the Planet Nuked for Christmas…joe-biden-doesnt-get-the-planet-nuked-for-christmas-n1636681
– On a lighter note… My latest VIP “Beyond the Briefing” video is up. … [WATCH] Kruiser’s ‘Beyond the Briefing’—Pumpkin Spice People Are the Devil VodkaPundit, Part Deux.…
[WATCH] Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—Pumpkin Spice People Are the Devil…ond-the-briefing-pumpkin-spice-people-are-the-devil-n1636585
– Full disclosure: I despise the fall and winter months. My dream living situation would be to bounce between the northern and southern hemispheres while enjoying an endless spring/summer cycle. I find people who have a fall/pumpkin-spice fetish to be disturbing, if not downright evil. via GIPHY...
The Morning Briefing: Let's Cheer the Olympians Who Aren't Pathetic, Woke Morons…cheer-the-olympians-who-arent-pathetic-woke-morons-n1464650
– The first episode of “Beyond the Briefing” dropped over the weekend. … Dem senator posts totally not staged photo leaning on a tractor talking on the phone to Biden VIP [WATCH] Kruiser’s ‘Beyond the Briefing
[WATCH] Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—Find Your Yellow Butterfly
– IT’S HERE!!!! I’m back in my natural habitat, which is in front of a camera. It’s a comfort to be in the ol’ happy place again. via GIPHY Some of you may remember that I first came to PJ Media as part of the now-defunct PJTV....