A Deep Dive Into the Democrats' Latest Polling: There’s a Rebellion Brewing

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.” —Thomas Jefferson

Right now, a pair of gigantic, enormous, bigger-than-Aunt-Bertha stories are flying at warp speed. They’re moving so fast, they’ve mostly been overlooked.


The first story is the Democrats’ emerging buyer's remorse. As I detailed earlier, the dam cracked wide on that front over the past few days. We’re starting to see headlines like “What If Joe Biden was the better candidate all along?” “Forget Kamala Harris: Should Democrats Have Picked Michelle Obama?” “Even Dem Voters Show Signs of ‘Buyers Remorse’ Over Party’s Unprecedented Electoral Moves.” “Buyer’s Remorse in the Democratic Party Over Harris’s Weak Performance.”

And by a large, Bertha-sized margin, the stories about the Democrats’ buyer's remorse has gotten the most coverage of the two. This will continue. The quantity of coverage will climb in inverse proportions to Harris-Walz’s likelihood of winning: The worse it gets, the more of these stories we’ll see.

But the the second story might be more consequential.

The horseracing aspect of presidential politics will always generate the most coverage. Anything pertaining to Trump-versus-Harris will instantly suck the oxygen out of the room. So this is the kind of story that really could sneak up on you.

Of those aforementioned stories, one of them included brand-spanking-new polling data of Democratic voters. (Keep that part in mind: These weren’t undecided, randomly selected voters; they were dedicated Democrats.) Additionally, this story is less than 24 hours old, so it’s probably the most current data of Democrats available.


Let’s take a peek under the hood, shall we?

The first question grabbed the lion’s share of the media coverage because it pertains to the presidential horserace: Do you agree or disagree with the statement, “The process the Democratic Party used to select its nominee for President did not yield the strongest candidate.”

Remarkably, 58% of Democrats(!) agreed — and if you’re a Lefty, that’s a terrifying harbinger of buyer's remorse, electoral defeat, and a looming MAGA victory.

But here’s where things take a turn: The next two questions weren’t about Trump or the horserace — they were all about the relationship between Democrats… and their own party.

When asked, “The process the Democratic Party used to select Kamala Harris was undemocratic,” 52% agreed, a slim majority. Eleven percent were unsure.

But since 11% of the Democrats were unsure, that means only 38% disagreed!

In today’s pop-culture parlance, “democratic” is a euphemism for “fair.” When normal people speak, “democratic elections” means “fair elections.” Therefore… we’re two weeks from Election Day, and only 38% of Democrats believe their own nominating process was fair!

This is beyond shocking. It’s unprecedented.

The last question asked Democrats to agree or disagree with the following: “I lost significant faith in the Democratic Party because it did not disclose Biden’s health issues during the primary process.”


My ears perked at the statement’s wording: “Faith” was an interesting choice. It’s usually linked to our hopes, beliefs, and aspirations. “Significant” is another interesting word. It usually refers to a quantity beyond the tipping point. And the statement itself was about honesty.

Here, another narrow majority — 54% — agreed. Eight percent were unsure.

Which means only 38% of Democrats still believe their own party is honest!

Are you starting to connect the dots?

The world is a dangerous place. It’s unpredictable and chaotic. Sometimes, during times of crisis, a president — or the president’s party — has to grab the wheel. Voters from both parties recognize how our system works.

But if they grab the wheel, steer you straight into a tree and blow everything to smithereens, you DO NOT give them the keys again! No way, no how, not ever!

Because the trust is broken.

And if they push the issue and demand the keys anyway?

When that happens, the voters rebel.

Buckle up, boys and girls: We’re beginning to detect the very early rumblings of a Democratic Party revolution. These are voters who never really liked Joe Biden, but amidst COVID, they tired of Trump and took their party at their word. Then, when Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest assured us that Biden was still as sharp as a tack, they accepted it as Gospel. Later, when Harris was appointed undemocratically, they went along with it, too — holding their nose and ignoring the skyrocketing inflation, economic weakness, and atrocious housing market. Gotta take one for the team to “save democracy,” after all.


These voters have done absolutely EVERYTHING their party has asked of them. And they paid a price for it, too.

So, when the Democratic Party rewards their loyalty with a landslide loss, how do you think they’ll take it? 

That’s probably a question the Democratic Party leaders should start pondering now — before the natives grow restless.


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