Just Like Clockwork: SECOND Prediction Made on Oct. 17 Has Just Come True!

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

I’m feeling a little bit hypocritical because I always found Tony Romo’s football predictions to be kinda gimmicky. But at this point, I’m turning into a political Nostradamus. (I solemnly promise to use my powers for good and not evil.) Here’s the latest:


On Oct. 17, PJ Media published my analysis of when we’ll know the race for the presidency is effectively over. The article included two bullet points:

  • Kamala Harris (and other leading Democrats) will start blaming the American people directly for failing to support them. It won’t just be racism/sexism anymore, but something deeper than that.
  • You’ll see an absolute avalanche of media stories about Democratic/liberal buyers’ remorse. On media outlets ranging from the uber-mainstream (all the usual suspects, from MSNBC through The New York Times) to the leftist of the left, there’ll be op-eds and critiques galore that excoriate the Democrats for undermining the democratic process and “forcing” Kamala Harris on them.

As I noted, the first one started to come true over the weekend, culminating with yesterday’s news cycle. I wrote on Oct. 21:

The first of these two signs is now happening. The Hill ran a piece today: “The ‘scared majority’ could deliver a landslide victory for Trump.” CNN followed a few hours later with “Trump’s wild and lewd rhetoric reaches a new extreme.” The Telegraph opined “Why black men in Martin Luther King’s hometown won’t vote for Kamala Harris.”

These kinds of “Blame Americans First!” stories began percolating over the weekend. The Nation wrote: “JD Vance Shows That the Future of the GOP Is in Racist Conspiracy Theories.” The New Republic declared, “Trump Appeals to Latino Voters by Doubling Down on Racist Lies.” The Washington Post went further: “Seeking a historic win, Harris faces a familiar foe: Sexism.”

(For the uninitiated, the “scared majority” is the liberal media’s latest euphemism for “working class white people who don’t support Democrats.”)


But what about the second one? That one came true 24 hours later and is picking up steam today.

The Hill just released a story, “What if Joe Biden was the better candidate all along?” Here’s another: “Forget Kamala Harris: Should Democrats Have Picked Michelle Obama?” More: “Even Dem Voters Show Signs Of ‘Buyers Remorse’ Over Party’s Unprecedented Electoral Moves: I&I/TIPP Poll.”

The last article is absolutely worth reading. Its polling data showed that 58% of Democrats agreed with the statement: “The process the Democratic Party used to select its nominee for President did not yield the strongest candidate.” [emphasis added]

Remember, this isn’t the polling data of conservatives, PJ Media readers, or undecided voters — these are Kamala’s fellow Democrats!

Additionally, 54% of Democrats agreed with the statement that “I lost significant faith in the Democratic Party because it did not disclose Biden’s health issues during the primary process.” [emphasis added]

Bottom line?

If you think it’s getting bad for Harris now, just you wait! Democrats have NOT hit rock bottom. But very soon, when the Democrats decide that all hope is lost and a second Trump presidency is inevitable, all these early articles will look like fluff pieces. I 100% promise you that the liberal media will turn on Harris — and the leadership of the Democratic Party — with a fury and a vengeance. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.


The WORST is yet to come.


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