The Final Sign of the Prophecy: Here’s How You’ll Know When the Race Is REALLY Over

AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

Last weekend, PJ Media published a short checklist I wrote (“Here’s How We’ll Really Know When Kamala Harris Believes She’s Losing”). I made a series of predictions of what the Harris-Walz campaign would do when they realized they were losing. The checklist went viral — largely because, over the following 72 hours, the Harris-Walz campaign proceeded to fulfill three of the four steps:

  • Kamala Harris will suddenly open up and do a ton of interviews — including hostile interviews. DONE! 
  • The mainstream media will focus extensively on how rotten and awful the American voters are, and the narrative will be planted to blame racism/sexism on Kamala’s defeat. DONE!
  • Tim Walz will be taken from the mothballs and placed anywhere a camera’s pointing. NOT YET 
  • Bold new legislation (that benefits whatever demo is slipping away) will be announced ASAP by the Democrats. DONE!

And here we are: The Democrats panicked and recalibrated their marketing campaign this week, putting Kamala Harris on Fox News for the first time; introducing new public policies that offer black voters reparations (and… legal weed!); and USA Today, The New York Times, and The Washington Post all published new stories that blame racism/sexism for Trump’s success.

(I still say the third one will happen over the next few days. Mark my words, Tim Walz is gonna make a cameo appearance somewhere (SNL?) that will leave your jaw hanging like a hound dog—something so spectacularly bizarre and inappropriate, you’ll do a spit-take. Hasn’t happened yet, but it will—and when it does, you’ll instantly know it, just you wait!)

Over the next 19 days, one of two things will happen. First, the Democrats will look at the latest poll numbers, be relieved that they’re moving in the right direction, and continue with their strategy. If this happens, we’ll know it because the status quo will be extended. 


It’ll be more of the same.

But here’s how you’ll know if their poll numbers say the exact opposite. There are two big signs you’ve gotta watch, but the second sign is WAY more important than the first:

  • Kamala Harris (and other leading Democrats) will start blaming the American people directly for failing to support them. It won’t just be racism/sexism anymore, but something deeper than that.
  • You’ll see an absolute avalanche of media stories about Democratic/liberal buyers’ remorse. On media outlets ranging from the uber-mainstream (all the usual suspects, from MSNBC through The New York Times) to the leftist of the left, there’ll be op-eds and critiques galore that excoriate the Democrats for undermining the democratic process and “forcing” Kamala Harris on them.

The second bullet-point item is the last and final sign of your political prophecy. So far, we haven’t seen stories of leftists bemoaning how they were saddled with The Human Word Salad Machine. There hasn’t been active pushback. As long as there’s still a snowball’s chance of her prevailing, liberals will keep their powder dry. (Of course, liberals usually use their powder for makeup, not guns.) There’s no virtue in turning on someone who just might be America’s first female president, but when the Democratic base is truly convinced Kamala is cooked, they will 100% throw her under the bus—and leave tire marks all over her body.


Just you wait!

Right now, the Democrats know they’re losing. But they still believe, in their heart of hearts, they’ll somehow snatch victory from the jaws of defeat — after all, nobody in their right mind would actually vote for Trump again! (It echoes the classic quote from New York Times journalist Pauline Kael in 1972 after Nixon won 49 states and 60.7% of the popular vote: “I don’t know how Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”)

But if their internal poll numbers don’t move in a better reaction ASAP, the Democratic base — including all their allies in the media — will turn on Kamala Harris like rabid dogs. They’ll curse her, despise her, and hate her for being a failure, and they’re not gonna pull any punches. 

It’ll be a bloodbath.

Hasn’t happened yet. But when it does, that’s when you wanna make vacation plans for January 20, 2025: Gonna be one helluva party in D.C.


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