Climate Change Activists Encourage Cutting Down Trees to Save Trees

(AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

Trees are fifty percent carbon. Humans are carbon. Life itself is the carbon the social engineers want to exterminate.

To that end, climate change activists, through their proxies in the corporate media, have proposed cutting down trees so as to save the trees.


This is the planned postmodern demolition of logic so that any idea, no matter how absurd, can be pushed through with minimal opposition from the techno-slaves who have been stripped of all of their cognitive abilities through a devastating cocktail of chemicals in the food and water, public education, chronic use of weaponized social media, and old-fashioned propaganda campaigns.

Via BBC (emphasis added):

Protecting existing forests and planting new ones are surely good things to do. However, scientists say we must not place too much faith in trees to save us

Simply stopping all our emissions is no longer enough. At this point we have emitted so much CO2, and left emissions cuts so late, that we are almost certain to miss our targets of limiting warming to 1.5C or 2C. That means we must also find ways to actively remove CO2 from the air.

All sorts of technological approaches have been proposed, but trees are an obvious contributor. New trees can either be planted in regions that have been deforested (reforestation) or in places that have never had them before (afforestation). As the trees grow they pull in CO2 through their leaves and convert it into carbohydrates, which they use to grow. So long as a tree lives, that carbon stays within it – and trees can live for decades or centuries.


None of the “climate change,” “carbon-neutral” agenda, it should be increasingly clear, has anything to do with stabilizing the climate. It’s primarily a social control tool to deindustrialize civilization and seize totalitarian political control with the ultimate goal of inverting the natural order itself.

Related: UN Secretary-General Melts Down, Claims Global Warming of Glaciers Will Cause Catastrophe

It must be emphasized that the transhumanist technocrats of the WEF variety are at war with nature itself, because they view nature as a proxy for God, which reminds them that they do not yet enjoy the omnipotent power that they so desire.

If they can desecrate life on Earth in whatever form (human or tree) and replace it with their own AI-driven creations, they have proven their capacity to thwart God Himself and replace Him atop the hierarchy. If you’re inclined to spirituality, this ultimate achievement means they have completed the Dark Lord’s work on Earth.


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