The Morning Briefing: Biden Is Mad That Americans Are Noticing All of His Failure

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. The man in the kilt has an appreciation for the north wind that few will ever know.


We all sort of know each other here in that 21st century way that people know one another, so let’s be honest: this Joe Biden in the Oval Office thing really isn’t working out at all.

There are two types of people in America — those who had high hopes for all of this and those of us who aren’t idiots. There wasn’t much in the almost 50 years that Biden was redefining mediocrity in government that would have given any discerning person a reason to think that this presidency would be otherwise.

President LOLEightyonemillion’s approval ratings have now exited the toilet and headed for the deepest recesses of the sewer, where they will no doubt take up permanent residence for the remainder of this joke of a presidency.

The puppet president is struggling to understand why there’s so much ill will directed at him, especially now that he’s reached a new low.

Matt has more:

But as bad as Joe Biden’s poll numbers became, they were still better than Trump’s, who came into office with low approval numbers. So whether or not you trusted Trump’s poll numbers, they were never good.

And now Joe Biden’s are worse… and he’s not happy about that.

“In crisis after crisis, the White House has found itself either limited or helpless in its efforts to combat the forces pummeling them. Morale inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is plummeting amid growing fears that the parallels to Jimmy Carter, another first-term Democrat plagued by soaring prices and a foreign policy morass, will stick,” reports Politico. “The president has expressed exasperation that his poll numbers have sunk below those of Donald Trump, whom Biden routinely refers to in private as ‘the worst president’ in history and an existential threat to the nation’s democracy.”


Donald Trump was the victim of a coordinated smear job by the Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media all throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. When their precious Granny Maojackets lost to Trump they took their journalistic malpractice to criminal levels, lying about him all of the time.

His poll numbers were always going to be awful in light of that, and those who supported him knew it.

The script has been flipped for Biden. His numbers are abysmal despite the fact that the mainstream media has been carrying water for him 24/7 ever since he emerged as the frontrunner in 2020. They’ve become a full-time excuse machine to cover for the drooling embarrassment in the White House.

Yet here we are.

It’s truly stunning that Biden’s handlers haven’t let him just hide behind the MSM smokescreen. They keep letting him out in public though, where everyone but the coastal Dems can see that the Emperor has no clothes.

My colleague Nick Arama has a post over at RedState about the fact that some in the media are sneaking in the occasional critique of Biden. On the rare occasions when that does happen, they still make sure they sprinkle in plenty of qualifiers and disclaimers, most of which are nonsense.

The MSM sold a version of Joe Biden who never existed to gullible voters who’d been whipped into a frothing, animalistic, Trump-hating frenzy. Whipped into it by the lying media.

They don’t get to duck out now.


As for Biden, if he wants to stop getting the stink eye from a beleaguered America, he might want to think about hopping on Amtrak and heading back to his Delaware basement for good.

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