The Morning Briefing: Dems Will Take an Even Harder Run at Destroying America in 2022

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Looking forward to the traditional “Three-Legged Chalupa Pants” race on New Year’s Day.


It was a strange night with news of the passing of John Madden and Harry Reid coming within minutes of each other. Football hasn’t been the same since Madden retired from broadcasting and it certainly will feel empty now that he’s gone. It was already primetime for work for me when the news hit last night, but I do plan on playing a little Madden ’21 today before I get too busy.

Here’s a little something that I happened upon last night. #RIP.

Let’s get back to the Dems and their antics now.

I am often given grief for frequently reminding people that we’re still less than a year into Biden’s God-awful tenure in the Oval Office and what potential relief we have on the horizon is still almost a year away. I mentioned in yesterday’s Briefing that eleven months could very well feel like eleven years. I sincerely hope that’s not the case, but I’m a realist.

One thing I know for certain is that the Dems are in an all-around panic about next November. Sure, a lot can happen between now and then, but look around. This Biden mess most likely won’t be cleaned up by then.

Democrats are more focused on the long game than Republicans. Just because they’re down in the dumps at the moment doesn’t mean they’re taking their eyes off of the various insane leftist prizes that they want.


My latest column dissects an op-ed that appeared in The Hill yesterday, and it perfectly illustrates just how focused the Dems still are. Here’s an overview:

A professor of politics named John Kenneth White has penned an opinion piece for The Hill titled “The Constitution isn’t working.” It’s an odd article because White actually gets a couple of things right at the beginning but eventually veers off into a boilerplate regurgitation of the leftist fever-dream wish list: nuke the Electoral College, JANUARY 6, reform the filibuster…yeah he had a ghostwriter from the Democratic National Committee working with him on this.

There were some valid points that professor White could have explored differently and given readers some real food for thought. It’s nigh on impossible for Democrats to do something like that, however, because they are all basically automatons when it comes to the approved messaging. Here’s a snippet from near the end of White’s article that I didn’t include in mine:

It won’t be enough merely to reform the filibuster, add more justices to the Supreme Court, change presidents or surrender presidential powers to Congress. A document written in 1787 is inadequate for the 21st century. The Electoral College is poised to create more misfires, with popular vote winners not becoming president, as has happened twice already this century. Territorial expansion has resulted in 16 percent of the U.S. population controlling half the seats in the U.S. Senate.


He not only wants to blow up the Constitution, he then wants to blow it up a second time just to make sure.

Democrats want one-party rule in the United States. That’s what everything White mentioned there is about, even — maybe especially — the Jan. 6 show-trial. Of course, they’re not going to admit that. That agenda is intended to turn Capitol Hill into the Supreme Soviet for them. The Jan. 6 perversion of justice is going to be dragged out until perhaps election eve next November. Every form of chicanery on the books — and some we probably haven’t seen — will be tried. Remember, Democrats continue to write and edit the Book of Election Chicanery.

I guess we should count our blessings that a lot of them don’t read as well as they used to.

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