Kamala Claims That Venezuela Has Spoken — in Maduro's Rigged Election

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

Commies of a feather will flock together. After a contested and controversial “election” in Venezuela, during which dictator Nicolás Maduro declared himself victor, U.S. Vice President and Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris stated her support for the results.


While admitting that Venezuela still faces “challenges,” Harris vowed U.S. backing for “the people of Venezuela who expressed their voice in today’s historic presidential election.” Someone needs to tell the cackling Communist that the election expresses the will of the socialist government in Venezuela, not the people it tyrannizes — unless she is too dumb to realize she was being complimentary, which, of course, is always an option.

Harris did not mention Maduro by name in her statement but did pretend that the election results were true indicators of democratically exercised opinions from Venezuelans. Harris posted on July 28, “The United States stands with the people of Venezuela who expressed their voice in today’s historic presidential election. The will of the Venezuelan people must be respected. Despite the many challenges, we will continue to work toward a more democratic, prosperous, and secure future for the people of Venezuela.”

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On the surface, such congratulatory sentiments to the oppressed people of Venezuela are laughable. But on a second reflection, it is not surprising that an American politician who helps to trample citizens’ rights here while preposterously calling her opponent a threat to democracy should once again be misusing the term “democratic.” 


Indeed, ahead of the election, Maduro reportedly vowed he would win “by hook or by crook.” Maduro the crook likely did engage in election interference.

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Ironically, even leftist, fake news outlets in America are admitting that Maduro’s election victory was not completely honest, emphasizing how ridiculous Kamala’s statement was. Even the socialistic New York Times called the “disputed” election “tainted,” claiming that the U.S. had “serious concerns.” Apparently, the U.S. government needs to tell the vice president, because her statement on X is hardly condemnatory. 

Reuters reported Monday that both Maduro and his opponent Edmundo Gonzalez have declared they are the election’s rightful winners, and as of now, it is impossible to know the full truth of the matter. We certainly know Venezuela is rife with government corruption. All socialist governments are.

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Maduro is the hand-picked successor of the late socialist dictator Hugo Chávez. Human Rights Watch states emphatically, “Chávez’s presidency (1999-2013) was characterized by a dramatic concentration of power and open disregard for basic human rights guarantees.” Maduro was never the people’s choice or a democratic leader; he was always a socialist oligarch, whom a fellow Marxist revolutionary and dictator chose for his position.


Then again, “socialist oligarch” is also a pretty accurate description of VP Kamala Harris.


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