Harris Says 'I Will Not Be Silent' About Dead Kids in Gaza War — Unless They're Israeli Kids

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Democrat presidential nominee-apparent Kamala Harris said last week she "will not be silent" about suffering children in Gaza, while practically ordering Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stand down in a one-sided ceasefire deal with Hamas terrorists.


That was Thursday. On Saturday, in the north of Israel, a Hezbollah rocket launched from Lebanon struck a sports complex filled with children playing soccer, killing 11 children and wounding about 30 more. According to IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, it was the deadliest single attack on Israel since the Hamas terror invasion of Oct. 7 that left 1,200 dead and more than 200 kidnapped. 

The silence from Kamala Harris is deafening. 

“The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time. We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent,” Harris said last week. 

Her national security adviser, Phil Gordon, released a brief written statement on Sunday, saying, "Israel continues to face severe threats to its security, and the Vice President’s support for Israel’s security is ironclad." Gordon concluded with yet another reminder that Harris prefers to end the war diplomatically, even though Hamas would never uphold such a bargain. "The U.S. will continue working on a diplomatic solution to end all attacks once and for all, and allow citizens on both sides of the border to safely return home."


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There's nothing "ironclad" in that statement, starting with the fact that Harris — who desperately needs support from Muslim voters in Michigan and Minnesota — couldn't be bothered to express her commitment herself. Harris's support for Israel is now what it has always been: milquetoast, conditional, and bordering on resentful. 

Some have interpreted Harris's attempted arm-twisting of Netanyahu into a ceasefire deal as a green light to Iran — and that country's terrorist proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah — to do whatever it likes in the Middle East. And when I say "some," I mean me. But I'm far from the only one.

If there's a wrong side of any issue, there's a 99% chance you'll find Harris on it — usually as publicly as possible. She also felt the pressing need to congratulate Venezuela's socialist thug Nicolás Maduro for winning the totally fair election he just stole. Again.

Speaking of which, don't write off Harris. She pulled in an astonishing $200 million in donations in her first week as the unofficial Democrat standard-bearer. While some of that money came from large donors who had been holding off writing checks for Biden, the Harris-[BLANK] campaign claims that two-thirds of it was given by small donors.


Even though it's safe to assume that the usual ActBlue straw-donor shenanigans accounted for a solid portion of her haul, it doesn't change the fact that Harris has an additional $200 million in the bank. It's also safe to assume that Harris would be an absolute disaster — not just for Israel, but for freedom lovers everywhere. Including here.


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