
Biden Voters Hate Children, Marriage

AP Photo/Abbie Parr

Joe Biden’s voters support abortion and LGBTQ insanity, and they oppose parental rights and prioritizing marriage. If the family is the building block of society, then leftists — by their own admission — are deliberately trying to bring society down in an avalanche of ruin. 

Many focal beliefs of woke leftists are explicitly anti-life. From killing babies to pushing contraception to critiquing marriage to mutilating “transgenders” to glorifying homosexuality, leftists want to ensure there are as few traditional families and kids as possible. Radical feminism and the war on masculinity further contribute to driving men and women apart. An overwhelming majority of Biden voters even said in a new poll that people shouldn’t prioritize marriage and children. Don’t believe me — believe leftists themselves.

From Breitbart:

Only 19 percent of Biden voters say that “society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority,” compared to 59 percent of former President Donald Trump supporters and 39 percent of registered voters overall. The results come amid a singleness and loneliness epidemic among young people and as the United States continues to experience the lowest birth rate in a century.

Interestingly, men are more likely than women to agree with prioritizing marriage and children, and, of Biden voters, black Americans are the ethnic group most likely to be positive on marriage and children. The main point is this — over 80% of Biden voters don’t believe prioritizing marriage and children benefits society. The problem is, leftists run our institutions, especially our educational institutions. I personally know far too many young women who talk like feminists in public but are desperately lonely for a husband and kids in private. They were lied to.

Then there’s the abortion death cult. Radical leftists including Planned Parenthood have even been accused of helping minors obtain abortions without parental consent. Pro-abortion activists encourage women to think killing their babies is a heroic, glorious, exciting, and laudatory action. The brutal murder of unborn babies is not only justified, it is enthusiastically celebrated. It’s the modern rebirth of child sacrifice. Perhaps it’s only to be expected that these same leftists celebrate Islamic terrorists who massacre children. In March, VP Kamala Harris made a “historic” visit to a Planned Parenthood facility, following years of support for abortion. The Biden administration is most certainly part of the death cult.

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Of course, Planned Parenthood has also been caught trafficking minors for “gender transitions,” just as far too many schools have tried to groom kids into identifying as LGBTQ without parental knowledge or consent. “Treatments” to encourage the fiction of transgenderism, like puberty blockers or “transgender” surgeries, can leave young people permanently damaged and mutilated. Youth are literally being castrated in the name of love, tolerance, and Pride, and parents aren’t supposed to have a say. Joe Biden claimed all kids are “our children,” and his voters would seem to agree with him.

Meanwhile, other youth are encouraged to indulge in homosexual lifestyles, focusing on relationships that are not only morally wrong but naturally incapable of producing offspring.

Ultimately, most of leftists’ favorite causes all boil down to one reality: they are deliberately and proudly trying to sterilize or kill the next generation and ensure we have no future.


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