From 'Oh, Joe' to Slow Joe: A Stunning Number of People Think Joe Biden Is Losing His Mind

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In the eyes of the public, presidential candidate Joe Biden has gone from ‘Oh, that’s just Joe,’ to ‘Slow Joe.’

While the Republican National Committee often highlights the Joe Biden lowlights for political spin, it’s obvious that Biden’s lost some off his fastball in the eyes of the American voter – and 61% say he needs to talk publicly about it.


Biden’s mental capacity is the subject of a Republican Twitter campaign called “Barely There Biden” pointing out Biden’s multiple missteps and malapropisms.

Paul Bedard of The Washington Examiner reports that a new Rasmussen poll shows nearly 40% of Americans believe Joe’s got dementia and is going downhill fast.

Rasmussen Reports revealed in new data shared with Secrets that 20% of Democrats believe he suffers from the debilitating disease. Many more Republicans, 66%, agree.

Overall, 38% believe Biden has dementia, likely driven by his misstatements during speeches and Zoom events.

Seniors are the age group most likely to think Biden is suffering from dementia, said the Rasmussen analysis.


Polls: Biden Is Losing His Mind

This follows a Zogby Poll, released last week, that shows that a majority of voters – 55% – believe the former vice president is in the early stages of dementia.


A majority (55%) of likely voters surveyed thought it was more likely (much more and somewhat more likely combined) that Vice President Biden is in the early stages of dementia, while 45% thought it was less likely (much less and somewhat less likely combined).

The Zogby poll showed that the younger they were the more respondents thought Biden was losing his faculties.

Younger voters aged 18-24 (60% more likely/40% less likely) and 18-29 (59% more likely/41% less likely) were more likely to believe Biden had dementia than older voters aged 65+ (50% more likely/50% less likely).

But the Rasmussen poll found that “Seniors are the most likely to believe Biden has dementia. The older the voter, the more likely they are to believe that it is Very Important for the White House hopeful to speak about the issue publicly.”

Biden will be 78 years old on inauguration day. President Trump will be 74.

Biden is having a tough time keeping track of most things, where he is, who his wife is, inappropriate touching. If you listened to Joe Biden’s “statistics,” you’d think half the people in the country had been killed by 1) gun deaths, 2) coronavirus.


61% Believe Biden Should Talk About His Mental Health

Here’s the bottom line, in the Rasmussen poll, 61% believed that Biden should address the issue of possible dementia publicly.

President Trump was forced to prove he wasn’t losing his mind when the Democrats pushed the 25th Amendment narrative in yet another one of their gambits to get rid of him.

Maybe Biden can take one of those mental abilities tests that Trump performed well on and report back.

Biden’s clearly not doing well cognitively and his obvious problems are the subject of a $400,000 ad campaign highlighting that issue.

Last week, a pro-Trump group called “The Committee to Defend the President” began running ads called “Lost His Mind,” asking the question, “Does Joe Biden have the mental capacity to keep America safe?”

We guess that if the Democrats—and the entire government apparatus and intelligence services arrayed against President Trump—feel free to cast aspersions on the president’s state of mind, that Joe Biden can suck it up and show us he hasn’t lost his.


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