Trump Jr. Says Explosive Docs Show 'Joe Biden Got Caught Red-Handed Setting Up Gen. Flynn'

AP Photo/Rick Scuteri

Explosive documents just released in the court case against General Michael Flynn show that it was Joe Biden who suggested they set up the three star general to get him fired or worse from the Trump Administration.


The latest jaw dropping documents, reportedly part of the case, show a hand written note by notorious former FBI investigator Peter Strzok whose meeting notes from January 4, 2017 showed three explosive points:

1. Joe Biden suggested the Obama Administration get Flynn on the pretext of the Logan Act
2. Former President Obama ordered that “the right people” be put on the case of General Flynn
3. Former FBI Chief Jim Comey said Flynn’s discussions with the Russian Ambassador “appear legit.”

The next day, on January 5th, President Obama, Biden, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice clued-in Acting Attorney General Sally Yates to the plan.

‘Joe Biden Caught Red Handed’

Donald Trump, Jr. blasted on Twitter that the Strzok note showed Biden was “caught red-handed.”

BREAKING: @JoeBiden caught red-handed setting up @GenFlynn. He suggested using the Logan Act.
Comey said Flynn’s calls with Kislyak “appear legit.”
Biden & Obama tried subverting democracy/peaceful transition of power to destroy him & compromise the Trump admin!


The Logan Act is an almost never used US law that prohibits private citizens from engaging in foreign policy. You know, like John Kerry has been doing with Iran to keep that despicable Iran deal afloat.

Here’s a closer look at the note put out by the Techno Fog Twitter account, which has leaked a lot of accurate information from this case.


Disgraced FBI agent Peter Sztrok’s handwritten notes from January 4, 2017 White House meeting.


Here’s a read out of the note in the apparent court documents.


Readout of disgraced FBI agent Peter Sztrok’s notes from Jan. 4, 2017 White House meeting.

‘Very Troubling’

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence and former Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell says the note said more than that. He said that the documents also show that Susan Rice’s odd cover-your-ass email to herself in the last hours of the Obama Administration were phony.

This is very troubling. The Susan Rice email to herself clearly didn’t give an accurate portrayal of the meeting. The “right people” is fundamentally different than “by the book”.


Imagine that, the investigation into Flynn’s “legit” discussions with Russian Ambassador Kislyak that was part of the Russia! Russia! Russia! scam is also a scam by the Obama Administration.

And Joe Biden helped plan the fraud.

This election just keeps getting more interesting all the time.


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