The Morning Briefing: Dem Abortion Meltdown Isn't Slowing GOP Midterms Momentum

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

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Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. The legendary platypus wranglers of Queensland were known to relieve stress with late-night quilting bees.


There was a lot of consternation last week about what impact the Supreme Court leak might have on the midterm elections. Up until then, the Republicans had been coasting to what promised to be a big night next November. The leak was largely viewed as the Hail Mary pass that the Democrats were sorely in need of.

Full disclosure: I was one of the pundit-y types who engaged in such speculation.

More full disclosure: I have never been happier to be wrong.

We’ve had a couple of stories about polling the past couple of days that provide a different reading on the pulse of America vis-à-vis Roe v Wade than what the radical pro-abortion left has been trying to make us believe is the case.

Athena wrote over the weekend about a Rasmussen poll that found more likely voters would favor an overturn of Roe than would be opposed. The numbers were 48%-45%, so the margin wasn’t huge, but the prevailing narrative from the left is that Americans overwhelmingly want Roe to remain in place.

Here’s a very curious revelation from that poll:

Interestingly, approval numbers are reversed and more pronounced when voters are asked if they consider themselves generally pro-choice or pro-life. Here, a majority (51%) consider themselves pro-choice while only 40% consider themselves pro-life. Clearly, one’s stance on abortion is not necessarily linked to one’s position on Roe.

It should be noted that Rasmussen polls tend to skew leftward.

Paula wrote yesterday about another poll that probably had everyone at the Democratic National Committee heading for the Prilosec and Xanax:


A new CNN poll should have Democrats quaking in their boots as they contemplate their strategy for the 2022 midterms. The poll, conducted after the leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion showing a majority of justices favoring rolling back Roe v. Wade, suggests that the overwrought responses from Democrats may not move the needle on Election Day as they’d hoped it would.

The study, conducted May 3-5, sampled 800 adult registered voters with about an equal number of Democrats, Republicans, and independents. If the congressional election were held today, 42% of respondents said they would vote for the Democrat nominee, with 49% favoring the Republican — a loss of two points for the Democrats and a gain of 4% for Republicans from the week prior. Reports of the demise of the Republican Party if Roe is overturned appear to be greatly exaggerated.

The numbers in this poll are different from Rasmussen on the approve/disapprove question but they did reflect a shift towards “approve.”

What this poll’s numbers clearly reveal is that abortion isn’t turning anyone into single-issue voters and that the Supreme Court leak wasn’t the shiny object distraction that the Democrats thought it would be.

Americans in the heartland are no doubt more concerned with the fact that we’ll all be eating cheap ramen if Biden’s economy keeps spinning out of control. People still vote with their checkbooks (Google it, younger readers) more than their genitals, much to the chagrin of the Democratic elite.


As always, we need to remember that the midterms are still far off, especially the way time moves with the Biden administration clown car in charge. A lot can happen between now and then.

It’s just not happening the way the Dems wanted it to with this issue.

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