Results for: On Media

Two Years After Dobbs, We Must Not Shrink Back From Fighting for Life
– Two years ago today, on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. … the right are suggesting that we give up on the fight for life. … In every campaign team where we are fighting to equip Godly leaders to speak and lead on this issue.…
While Putin Wages War on Ukraine, Islam Goes to War Against Russia
– When Russian intelligence isn't focused on the war against Ukraine, they're pulling dangerous pranks on the West. …  (I've been referring to the Russo-Ukraine War here at PJ Media as "Putin's stupid war" since almost the very start. … Russian finance, trade, and technology are increasingly dependent on Chinese largess.…
New York Becomes the First State to Regulate Social Media Algorithms
– New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed two bills into law on Thursday that will clamp down on social media companies' use of algorithms … social media companies’ approach to teens. … Regardless, children today would benefit from taking a break from social media sites now and again and going outside.…
The Morning Briefing: Donald Trump Is the Republican Who Actually Wants to Win…d-trump-is-the-republican-who-actually-wants-to-win-n4930089
– He knows he is on the right side and that winning would be best for the country. … It's free and it supports conservative media! … Townhall MothershipVIPBecome part of the PJ Media VIP party by subscribing here.…
Why Are Parisians Pooping in the Seine River?…a-dump-in-the-seine-river-ahead-of-summer-olympics-n4930143
– It's almost like they don't believe the Big Green they're preaching and forcing on the hoi polloi. … far remained anonymous created a website for people to commit to "where and when to do their business so that it arrives in Paris on … the Seine at this particular point was even satisfactory.In accordance with the directive mentioned above, these results are based on
WATCH: CNN Anchor Has Tantrum After Trump Spokeswoman Calls Out Jake Tapper's Bias…after-trump-spokeswoman-calls-out-jake-tappers-bias-n4930097
– One of the biggest challenges Donald Trump will have to face in his upcoming debate with Joe Biden on CNN on Thursday — assuming Biden … Dana Bash as the moderators.Tapper and Bash are about as anti-Trump as you get, and when Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt appeared on … As recently as December, Tapper compared Trump's rhetoric on immigration to Hitler."…
A Dude in a Dress Walks Into a Spa With a Muslim Employee...…after-muslim-woman-refused-to-wax-a-dudes-bean-bags-n4930059
– But on the bright side, we don't have billionaire owners who pull our strings, and we cannot be bought. Full stop. … circus" and harassed him on social media. …  "The application states it was A.B. who raised the issue of genitalia on the phone call and any further comments on her genitalia…
The Receipts: All Three of Trump's Debate Opponents Have Compared Him to Hitler…trumps-debate-opponents-have-compared-him-to-hitler-n4930151
– will do battle deep in enemy territory —CNN — on Thursday night at 9 p.m. … "One of the biggest challenges Donald Trump will have to face in his upcoming debate with Joe Biden on CNN on Thursday — assuming Biden … It's not just "fake news," it's the media arm of the systemic "Get Trump!" machine.…
Democrats Label Facts ‘Misinformation’ to Crush Free Speech
– that sharing actual footage of a real Joe Biden fail was “disinformation” and necessitated government-tech-media collusion to censor … Actually, Biden is extremely unpopular among Americans precisely because Democrats currently can’t run on the issues, as the Biden … It does take the media to call it out,” she blathered.…
Got Milk? You Could Be a Colonizer
– *).I use the Olympics as a metaphor since no one (outside of NBC employees and a handful of mass-media consumers) gives a tin you-know-what … The museum released a statement regarding the scope of this *ahem* research:By focusing on communities intersecting industry, aid, … nbsp;The Mail said that in the past, Zetterstrom-Sharp has opined that milk is a Northern European obsession that has been imposed on
FRIDAY AT 3 P.M. EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit, Ashley McCully - Replay…k-somewhere-with-kruiser-vodkapundit-ashley-mccully-n4930033
– Can't wait.Editor’s Note: Do you enjoy PJ Media’s conservative reporting taking on the radical left and woke media? … Join PJ Media VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 50% off your VIP membership!…
Will Biden Help Soros Silence Dana Loesch and Mark Levin?
– conservative talk show host Stacy Washington asked at the time.In 2023, Soros also bought Vice Media and Crooked Media, but he won't …  Recommended: It's Official: Star Wars 'Acolyte' Is About the Worst Thing Anybody Put on TV EverAudacity's rival iHeart Media … We'd love to have you on board, and these days, we need you.…
Los Angeles Public Schools Ban Cell Phones During School Hours
– We know the impact that these social media entities are having on our children," said LAUSD Superintendent Alberto Carvalho. … label on social media sites.There's no doubt that social media sites can be addictive. … Too much blame is being put on social media companies when some of the responsibility has to be placed on the parents.…
Twin Rulings Put the Kibosh on Biden's Latest Student-Loan-Forgiveness-for-Votes Bribe…ens-latest-student-loan-forgiveness-for-votes-bribe-n4930124
– One of my greatest pleasures as a writer at PJ Media is delivering good news to our readers, and today I have an excellent development … "The Court’s order blocks the unconstitutional student loan cancellation scheme from taking effect on July 1."" … Kansas’s victory today is a victory for the entire country," Kansas AG Kobach's office stated in a post on X.…
The Next Story That Will Be Censored
on this narrative, too. …  So, how long will it be before a new Biden video is deemed fake by Big Tech and you can't share it on social media? … This crackdown on truth threatens our very ability to operate and survive as independent voices in the media.PJ Media will not be pressured…
We Can’t Protect Kids Without Fathers
On August 31, thousands of parents will assemble in Washington, D.C., for the inaugural March for Kids. … Sadly, the social science is clear about the negative impact this has on children. … That’s why I will be marching with thousands of other dads in Washington on August 31.…
The Most Important Supreme Court Case You've Probably Never Heard Of…to-hope-and-pray-the-supreme-court-curtails-chevron-n4930029
– As I write this, we await the Supreme Court's ruling on the so-called Chevron deference (or doctrine). … the fishermen to pay for the $700-a-day monitors on trips that often last several days. …  Stay tuned to PJ Media.…
Here's How Long It Takes for Instagram to Start Grooming Children Who Join
– Well, it shouldn't shock anyone to learn that Instagram, the popular social media platform owned by Meta, is grooming children.Studies … “But even the adult experience on TikTok appears to have much less explicit content than the teen experience on Reels.”Meta disputes … Reporting on these stories threatens our survival, which is why we have our VIP program.…
YIKES! You Won't Believe How Much Biden's Student Loan 'Forgiveness' Adds to the Deficit…bidens-student-loan-forgiveness-adds-to-the-deficit-n4930041
– , and beyond.”Editor's note: PJ Media needs your help to continue reporting on the widespread corruption in our government and institutions … Use the promo code SAVEAMERICA for a 50% discount on an annual membership. … sites: PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Bearing Arms, and HotAir.…
Illegal Animals Ravage Three Girls in Four Days; Democrat Harpies Laugh…age-three-young-girls-in-one-week-dem-harpies-laugh-n4930046
– Where is the media outrage?Right here. … Keep conservative news sites like PJ Media on the front lines. … I promise you'll see more stories like this before November, but you won't see them on CNN.…
Selling the National Soul
– He stood there until the Devil tapped him on the shoulder. Johnson handed his guitar to the Devil over his left shoulder. … Those same thugs went on to terrorize Jews in the Pico-Robertson area. …  Media figures and legislators become so fixated on power, money, and influence that they resort to claiming that a Trump administration…
Trump Has Picked His Running Mate
– NBC News has previously reported that Trump is zeroing in on Doug Burgum, JD Vance and Sen. … Based on recent reports, Rep. … “He’s looking for who can raise money, he’s looking for who is an effective surrogate on TV with adversarial media, and he’s looking…
Making Sure That 'Never Again' Is No Longer Just Words
– In Los Angeles, we don’t need to imagine it, for on Sunday afternoon, it happened. … They physically stopped people from going into the temple, threatened violence, and then acted on those threats. … like Bass (read “Marxist”) hate Jews with such a passion that Los Angeles experienced its first pogrom, a bona fide physical attack on
DHS Docs Reveal Who the Biden Administration Really Sees as Terrorist Threats…den-administration-really-sees-as-terrorist-threats-n4930078
– The innocuous name hides the fact that the biggest heavy-hitters in government intelligence and law enforcement were on it.And you've … It actually gets worse, There is a Stasi-like attachment to trying to get Americans to tattle on one another.Certain efforts outlined … Air pollution and warning labels on social media sites are proposed public health emergencies. And they're just getting started."…
Hypocrisy: Genocidal CCP Lectures World on ‘Human Rights’
– A recent statement issued by a CCP official and Chinese state media highlights just how totally untrustworthy and manipulative the … and totally dishonest lecture:China actively participates in global human rights governance, and does not accept accusations based on … It’s also concerning, given the CCP’s record, that Chen was chosen as the representative for the Group of Friends on the Promotion…
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