Results for: the daily caller

No corrections
– For the record, from The Daily Caller: Stephanopoulos, NYT, CNN, WaPo decline to correct erroneous Giffords reporting.…
DOJ official refuses to promise that DOJ will NEVER advance an anti-blasphemy law…se-that-doj-will-never-advance-an-anti-blasphemy-law-n168940
– Here’s the exchange: As Neil Munro at the Daily Caller reported back in October, Perez met with leaders from Islamic organizations … According to that Daily Caller report: During his speech, Perez applauded the Islamist lobbyists for persuading government officials … But any member of Congress demanding answers about the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood is CRAZY!!!…
The Biden Administration Wants Taxpayers to Pay for Transgender Child Mutilation…s-taxpayers-to-pay-for-transgender-child-mutilation-n1650915
– Mary Miller (R-Ill.), which was obtained by The Daily Caller. … and surgical mutilation at the same time other countries—like the United Kingdom, Sweden, and France—are no longer embracing the practice … Miller said in a statement to the Daily Caller.…
Scenes from the Spin Room
– And on the next page, Melania Trump’s shoes… Tucker Carlson and the rest of our competition from the Daily Caller:…
Required Reading
Daily Caller snagged a big interview with that big magician-libertarian, Penn Gillette. … Easily the best thing I’ve read this week.…
Is Biden Fudging the Numbers on Americans Left Behind in Afghanistan?…the-numbers-on-americans-left-behind-in-afghanistan-n1474687
– But, according to a U.S. official who spoke with the Daily Caller last week, there are likely a lot more still in the country. … According to one estimate, roughly 350 Americans were being evacuated daily alongside thousands of Afghans—meaning that if the U.S. … According to the official who spoke with the Daily Caller, “it’s become a quiet rule among officials to avoid giving out a more precise…
Site that Posted Soros Docs Is Offline, Twitter Account Suspended
Daily Caller: DCLeaks, a website that releases information on powerful political figures, has had its Twitter account suspended and … human rights activists that is taking place globally” in a statement released to The Daily Caller. … Despite the fact that the documents leaked were sheer dynamite, there was a curious lack of, well, curiosity on the part of the media…
Obama's man on the NLRB supports 'restraining the free flow of capital'…e-nlrb-supports-restraining-the-free-flow-of-capital-n147001
The Daily Caller digs up some of Craig Becker’s law schools writings that, as Jazz Shaw remarks, sounds like it could have come straight … Old law review articles obtained by The Daily Caller that were authored by Becker further inflame the already heated debate. … – implicitly entails legal restraint of the freedom of capital,” he wrote in the January 1987 edition of the Harvard Law Review.…
National Security Risk? 800% Surge in Illegal Chinese Migrants
The Daily Caller reported on updated Border Patrol statistics August 18. … Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sent a memo exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation to agency officials warning … The Daily Caller cited Fox News China expert Gordon Chang for a similar warning.…
Navarro: Wall Street Titans Undermined Trump’s First Term, Americans’ Interests…ans-sabotaged-trumps-first-term-americans-interests-n4929239
– But in comments quoted by The Daily Caller, Navarro also bashed Wall Street bigwigs and former Trump officials whom he says do not … stand for ordinary Americans’ interests.The Daily Caller explained:Navarro is in a federal prison after being sentenced in January … Caller.…
Report: FBI Seized 'Smashed Hard Drives' from Dem IT Suspect's Home
– FBI agents seized damaged computer hard drives from the home of Democrat IT staffer Imran Awan last February, The Daily Caller reported … to the Caller. … “Members of Congress have displayed an inexplicable and intense loyalty towards the suspects,” technology aides told The Daily Caller
Asking the Important Questions
– “Could someone explain why the Daily Caller felt compelled to ask a race car driver/swimsuit model [Danica Patrick] about Obama’s…
PJ Tatler EXCLUSIVE: Another view of Obama/Neil Munro exchange today over illegal immigration executive order…hange-today-over-illegal-immigration-executive-order-n166811
The number one trend of Twitter right now is the exchange between Obama and Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro, who was trying to ask … the president the hard questions that the rest of the establishment media wouldn’t ask about Obama’s illegal executive order issued … “Excuse me, sir,” Obama said as a reporter from the right-leaning Daily Caller website interrupted him.…
'Meet the First Victim of Defund Obamacare'
– Allan Brauer, “Democratic Party flack fired after psychotic tweets against Ted Cruz aide,” Tim Cavanaugh writes at the Daily Caller … : A top Democratic flack in one of the country’s most Democratic state capitals became the first victim of the Obamacare defunding … We explored Brauer’s hate-filled tweets yesterday, including the examples at the top of this post; at the Daily Caller, Cavanaugh adds…
'Unflippingbelievable! No, Wait, it is Believable'
– Sarah Palin, in the Daily Caller, on the  Obamacare waivers in Nancy Pelosi’s district in California: In response to the revelation … Sarah Palin told The Daily Caller the waiver process is “corrupt.” “Unflippingbelievable! … And anyone who still supports the Pelosi-Reid-Obama agenda of centralized government takeovers of the free market and the corresponding…
Obama's Shariah-Compliant Army of One
– Caroline May at the Daily Caller reports that female US soldiers are subject to official “requests” (which soldiers clearly have to … Major Kyndra Rotunda, executive director of the Military Law and Policy Institute and AMVETS Legal Clinic, told The Daily Caller that … But the problem is — and I think anyone who has been in the military understands that being encouraged to do something is about the
Fired for Associating with Republicans
– “For crime of hanging out with a Republican, Democratic state senator fires staffer,” according to this Daily Caller story: A recent … Perhaps there’s more to the story than the Daily Caller is reporting, but based on their article, it’s almost as if the left views … Oh, and note this: “The Democratic Party is not as tolerant and accepting as I had thought,” he told The DC.…
Happy Birthday
The Daily Caller turns two today. If I’m doing my math right, that’s one year each for Mickey Kaus and Jim Treacher. … I kid — but having the two of them in one stop is an awfully nice convenience.…
White House Won't Rule Out Clinton Pardon
– White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest failed to give a clear yes or no answer at the daily White House Press Briefing when asked … Meanwhile, according to The Daily Caller, it is full steam ahead for the Clinton Foundation probe in five FBI offices across the nation … matters now is working on the case, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.…
Weiner in 2009: Cyber Attacks 'Demand Immediate Action'
– That was then, and this is now: The New York Daily News reported the Congressman’s statement thusly [in May of 2009]: Whoa, there … The Daily Caller reported Tuesday: “Although this particular incident is a matter for law enforcement, it clearly indicates that … the issue of cybersecurity to protect our privacy and to ensure our national security,” Stearns said in an email to The Daily Caller
Julian Assange Says He Will Provide Evidence Russia Narrative Is False in Exchange for Pardon…ovide-evidence-russia-narrative-false-exchange-pardon-n89931
The president, apparently, has not yet gotten the message. … Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) told The Daily Caller that Trump is being blocked from knowing about the potential deal with Assange. … two weeks ago about the potential deal with Assange,” The Daily Caller reported.…
Its Origin, Purpose, and Distaff Support, Still a Total Mystery
– “MSNBC contributors can’t figure out why so many women are part of the Tea Party,” Caroline May writes at the Daily Caller: Confusion … was the word of the day on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” this morning when the panel questioned why so many women have been drawn to the … Tea Party movement,” she told The Daily Caller.…
Biden Kisses Codifying Roe v. Wade Goodbye
– Biden’s big pitch for the midterm elections was the promise that, if Democrats won two more seats in the Senate and held the House …  the Daily Caller are projecting that Republicans have flipped the House. … — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 14, 2022 In addition to the Democrats losing the chance to codify Roe v.…
Linda Sarsour, CAIR Leaders Arrested for Stunt at Paul Ryan's Office
– As The Daily Caller noted: Sarsour’s arrest comes after Asmi Fathelbab accused her of covering for the man who allegedly sexually … Fathelbab told The Daily Caller in December that her coworker Majed Seif had rubbed her crotch without her consent and had stalked … She maintains that Sarsour, then the executive director of the group, covered for him.…
HUGE Generational Gap On Assault Weapons
– Jessica Stanton at The Daily Caller wrote today about the huge generational gap on the right to own so-called assault weapons. … Seventy percent of 18-24 year-olds and 58 percent of 24-34 year-olds indicated the government “should allow the private ownership of … (H/T Jessica Stanton at Daily Caller)  …
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