Olympics: Arabs Do Nazi Salute as Israeli Anthem Plays

AP Photo/Thibault Camus

Just as during World War II, Muslim jihadis are now siding with Nazis. A group of pro-Hamas protestors at the Paris Olympics were caught on camera apparently doing a Nazi salute and chanting Adolf Hitler’s name as the Israeli national anthem played.


Mainstream media outlets like Yahoo! Sports vaguely referred to “anti-Semitic gestures” at the Olympic soccer game. The video clip, however, shows a crowd of Arabs with Palestinian flags making Nazi-like salutes while chanting what sounds like, “Heil Hitler!” It seems 1936 Berlin was not the only time and location for a Nazi Olympics.

Israel’s national anthem was playing before its men’s soccer team played against the Paraguayan team. Yahoo! Sports tried to claim it was impossible to understand the pro-Nazi chant: “Video that spread Monday on social media also shows the protesters brandishing Palestinian flags and shouting an indistinguishable chant. Pictures had previously circulated of the group holding two banners with the words ‘Genocide Olympics’ scrawled across them.”

The only side in the Israel-Hamas conflict trying to commit genocide is Hamas, with the support of the majority of Palestinians. Furthermore, while the chanting in the video clip is not crystal clear, it does sound very much like “heil Hitler,” which would fit with the Nazi salute the protesters were making. 


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Some media outlets appear to be avoiding any acknowledgment of Nazi connections to the salute and chant, preferring to say “anti-Semitic” without clarifying further. The organizers of the Paris Olympics also used this generic terminology when acknowledging the incident and condemning it. Both Outkick and The Daily Caller reported the chanting was “heil Hitler.”

Sadly, violent and aggressive anti-Semitism is not a new phenomenon at the Olympics. In 1936, the Nazis excluded Jewish athletes from the Olympics they hosted in Berlin. In 1972, the Munich Olympics turned into a bloodbath, as eight Palestinian terrorists took multiple Israeli Olympians hostage. The terrorists eventually killed all of the hostages when their demands were rejected and the Germans failed in their attempted rescue.

Palestinians now are just as or even more dedicated to terrorism and genocide of Jews as they were in the 1970s. How do we know that the radicals doing Nazi salutes and waving Palestinian flags, or issuing threats against Israel athletes, will not turn to kidnapping and murder at this Olympics? Israeli athletes have received death threats. Hordes of Muslims have immigrated to France and committed terrorism there, including specifically anti-Semitic violence, in recent years.


The Paris Olympics should not risk another tragedy like the one that happened in Munich in 1972. Anyone disruptively brandishing a Palestinian flag and/or chanting pro-Nazi slogans should be immediately arrested. 


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