Reality Check: Newsom Vetos Bill to Give Illegal Immigrants Home Loans

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

Progressivism is a bit like a night spent on a drunken binge. Everything is fun and games, and life is one giant carnival. However, as with most binges, the sun eventually comes up in the morning, and the cold, harsh fluorescent lights of the day (or the drunk tank) illuminate the results of your unwise choices the night before. 


Even with a Harris-Walz win in November, the realities of unchecked illegal immigration will soon become impossible to ignore. It is a bit like developing high blood pressure: you know it is a bad thing, but you are entirely unaware of all of the ramifications if the condition remains unaddressed. 

Of course, when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration, faithful leftists will hang on to the narrative for as long as they can. But no one can hang on forever, and there comes a point when even the most passionate of progressives will be forced to admit that wave after wave of dreamers, migrants, asylum seekers, etc., is resulting in havoc. 

It may take them a long time, years, even decades, perhaps. In fact, it may not be until the crisis literally comes knocking at their doors before they can admit their error. Even then, they may not admit it publicly, but the problem will be firmly entrenched in their neighborhoods, stores, and favorite recreation spots.

The issue of illegal immigration, along with the host of other policy blunders that the leaders of California made, came to a head on Friday. The Daily Caller notes that good intentions and virtue signaling aside, Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed AB 1840, also known as the California Dream For All Shared Appreciation Loan program. 


That bill would have made illegal immigrants eligible for a program that offers first-time homebuyers home loans, courtesy of California taxpayers. The loans provided by the program are interest-free and do not require borrowers to make monthly payments. Newsom's rationale for nixing the bill? A lack of funds. He stated:

This bill seeks to prohibit the disqualification of applicants from one of California Housing Finance Agency’s (CalHFA) home purchase assistance programs based solely on their immigration status. Given the finite funding available for CalHFA programs, expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively.

Unsurprisingly, AB 1840 was popular among Golden State Democrats:

California Democrats defended the bill, however, with State Sen. Scott Wiener arguing that illegal immigrants who would qualify for the bill are “exactly the kind of people that you want in your community” and (Assemblymember Joaguin) Arambula claiming that the “social and economic benefits of homeownership should be available to everyone.”

The effects of illegal immigration are by no means confined to the West Coast. Chicago, New York, and cities nationwide are grappling with the influx of immigrants. Well, at least the citizens are. Reports of illegals committing heinous crimes are now daily news items, and Aurora, Colo., experienced a combination of housing crisis and crime just last week: a problem that has reportedly spread to other parts of the country. Breitbart reports that Middle America is also having trouble coping, noting that the town of Springfield, Ohio, with a population of just under 60,000, now has an additional 20,000 Haitian refugees, courtesy of the Biden-Harris administration. 


The unfortunate thing about today is that it is a codetta, not a coda — or, if you prefer, a pause, not a conclusion. Weiner and company will be back, and AB 1840 will come to fruition one way or another. If the Democrats prevail in November, it will be coming to your state and, quite possibly, your town.


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