Results for: hillary

Nikki Haley Is Hillary Clinton 2.0 and She Deserves to Be Run Out of the GOP…linton-20-and-she-deserves-to-be-run-out-of-the-gop-n4924698
– carefully by what her consultants told her to say as she panders to the base — the old “public/private position” standard that Hillary
The Morning Briefing: Dumb and Drunker — Team Biden Wants Hillary's Help…ing-dumb-and-drunker-team-biden-wants-hillarys-help-n4924669
– It's Hillary Clinton. I kid you not. According to NBC News, she hosted a fundraiser for Biden a couple of weeks ago. … The report explains that Hillary "is popular with women and key parts of the Democratic base and remains a fundraising draw who can … Thanks to her husband's enduring popularity, the Democratic elite still has a thing for Hillary Clinton.…
Survey Reveals a Mountain of Possible 2020 Election Crimes
– Whiny leftist milksops screamed that Donald Trump's 2016 election victory over Hillary Clinton was the result of Russian interference…
Ouch. You Won’t Believe Who Democrats Are Recruiting to Save Biden’s Campaign.…ho-democrats-are-recruiting-to-save-bidens-campaign-n4924650
– It's Hillary Clinton. I kid you not. According to NBC News, she hosted a fundraiser for Biden a couple of weeks ago. … The report explains that Hillary "is popular with women and key parts of the Democratic base and remains a fundraising draw who can … That he does, but Hillary Clinton? Of course, the devil is in the details of the report.…
Should Nature Be Granted ‘Human Rights’? Activists Say Yes
– Related: Hillary Claims ‘Climate Change’ Killed 500,000 Last Year, ‘Particularly Pregnant Women’ Protecting the environment — a position…
Is This Trump's Biggest Unforced Error of the 2024 Campaign?
– It really contrasted nicely with Hillary Clinton's notorious insincerity. … While many people kept the faith, I was convinced that President Hillary Clinton was inevitable. … Trump then recalled how his debate with Hillary Clinton took place soon after the tape came out.…
CNN Hack Van Jones: ‘Literally Shaking’ Watching ‘Nazi’ Vivek Debate Performance…ally-shaking-watching-nazi-vivek-debate-performance-n4924614
– Related: You’ll Never Guess to Whom Hillary Clinton Compared Trump (Actually, You Will) Via The Hill (emphasis added): CNN analyst … after Donald Trump shocked the world, forever damaging the vaunted reputation of D.C pollsters who had, in some outlets, granted Hillary … It begins smugly enough, as all liberals expected to usher in a new era of female empowerment with the coronation of Queen Hillary
WATCH: Hillary Claims ‘Climate Change’ Killed 500,000 Last Year, ‘Particularly Pregnant Women’…killed-500000-last-year-particularly-pregnant-women-n4924493
– Watch Hillary Clinton's “estimate” at COP28 (the latest climate hoax summit) of the statistical reality — which she pulls directly … Related: You’ll Never Guess to Whom Hillary Clinton Compared Trump (Actually, You Will) Who knew the climate would be implicated in … Marriage and childbearing might as well be garlic and crucifixes to feminist vampires like Hillary Clinton.…
Appeals Court Frees Douglas Mackey After Lower Court Imprisoned Him for Pro-Trump Memes…ls-court-after-being-imprisoned-for-pro-trump-memes-n4924491
– Mackey was convicted in March 2023 of election interference for his poignant memes mocking Hillary Clinton and her supporters. … Vote from Home,” “Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925,” inserted over a picture of the presidential candidate. … “They’re putting Douglas Mackey in jail for sharing a joking meme of Hillary Clinton seven years ago.…
The 'Trump Will Be an Authoritarian Destroyer of Democracy' Narrative Is Patently Absurd…destroyer-of-democracy-narrative-is-patently-absurd-n4924458
– The only Republicans who truly believe that Trump might do away with free elections are the ones who voted for Hillary and Biden in … They had decreed that Hillary Clinton be crowned rather than elected in 2016, and Trump destroyed them.…
The Morning Briefing: Never Mind a Second Term, Can We Make It to the End of Biden's First?…cond-term-can-we-make-it-to-the-end-of-bidens-first-n4924511
– WATCH: Hillary Claims ‘Climate Change’ Killed 500,000 Last Year, ‘Particularly Pregnant Women’ Cardinal Muller: Genocidal Globalists…
Maybe This Idiocy Will Finally Break Trump Derangement Syndrome Fever Forever…will-finally-break-trump-derangement-syndrome-fever-n4924437
Hillary Clinton led the charge. Madonna wished she'd bombed the White House. The mobs responded.  … Victoria Taft, The Adult in the Room, FITF Squad (@VictoriaTaft) December 3, 2023Women would have been angry at any man who defeated Hillary
How The Mainstream Media Sources Itself To Lie to the Public
– The media loves to use Russia as a scapegoat in their propaganda, dating back to the 2016 election when Hillary Clinton accused “Russian…
Will the GOP Nominee Adopt Reagan’s Winning Strategy?
– In fact, the vocal resistance to Trump probably contributed to the widespread assumption that Hillary Clinton would win the election … Cruz would later backtrack, saying he would vote for Trump to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president, but it was clear he wasn…
Is No Labels Party Really a 'Stalking Horse' for Trump?
– Nancy Jacobson, a former Democratic fundraiser and wife of Mark Penn, a former friend of Hillary and Bill Clinton, wouldn't do anything…
Analysis: Why Are Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis Feuding With Each Other and Not Trump?…ron-desantis-feuding-with-each-other-and-not-trump-n4924382
– As I reported a few days ago, the DeSantis camp released an ad compiling multiple clips of Nikki Haley praising Hillary Clinton and…
The Morning Briefing: Relentless Efforts to Derail the Trump Train Are Failing Bigly…efforts-to-derail-the-trump-train-are-failing-bigly-n4924302
– In 2016, before he could ever get to the part where he deposed Hillary Clinton, he faced a concerted effort by the Republican establishment … into their ascots at the Capitol Hill Club while Washington/Rome burns, that's why Charles Koch's Super PAC just endorsed Hillary Clinton…
Who's the One Democrat Who Can Beat Biden?
– Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) (60% to 25%), Vice President Kamala Harris (62% to 24%), former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (54%…
EU Financial Commissar on CBDC: ‘There Will Be Control’
– Related: You’ll Never Guess to Whom Hillary Clinton Compared Trump (Actually, You Will) Anyone who appeals to fighting “terrorism”…
How the Mobs Stole Christmas (Tree Lightings)
– Or, as Hillary Clinton put it in her college thesis about her friend and mentor Saul Alinsky, "There is only the fight." …
Wow, the Democrats’ Backup Plan for Joe Biden in 2024 Really Sucks
– Then, would you believe it, Hillary Clinton comes in second place with 13%. … the top two choices of Democrat voters are the most unpopular vice president in the history of polling, and the severely unliked Hillary … Are Democrat voters really going to gamble the 2024 election on either Harris or Hillary Clinton if Biden has to leave the race?…
Oliver Stone: 'Do You Know for a Fact' That Trump Lost?
– Now, it’s convenient that Maher didn’t acknowledge that Hillary Clinton still claims, falsely, that the 2016 election was stolen from … find it unfortunate that he couldn’t buoy his own criticism of Trump for not accepting the results of the election by criticizing Hillary
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