Notes From the Democratic Fever Dream — Hillary Pens NYT Op-Ed on How Kamala Can Beat Trump

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

There is nothing wrong with calling one's political opponents crazy if they are, in fact, crazy. 

The Democratic elites in the United States of America are a toxic combination of pathological liars and unhinged. Just look around. A prime example of unhinged behavior would be the "Free Palestine" protesters who decided to deploy maggots to express their displeasure with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress, which Athena wrote about


Democratic officials continually try to portray the "Free Palestine" loons as a radical fringe that isn't representative of their values, which is a perfect example of the aforementioned lying. As I said in my most recent "Kruiser Kabana Podcast," they're actually the Democratic base. 

This combination leads them to inhabit a bizarro world that is less reality-based than a Harry Potter movie. 

Which brings me to this. On Wednesday, The New York Times  — aka The Official Publication of the Democratic National Committee — published a guest Op-Ed by Hillary Clinton in which two-time presidential race loser (she was the heavy primary fave in 2008, so that counts) gives advice on how Kamala Harris can win.

As with everything Granny Maojackets offers for public consumption, there's perfunctory excuse-making and blame for her 2016 loss, followed by the kind of spin that I continue to insist that she finds at the bottom of a box of wine. 

The New York Times

I know a thing or two about how hard it can be for strong women candidates to fight through the sexism and double standards of American politics. I’ve been called a witch, a “nasty woman” and much worse. I was even burned in effigy. As a candidate, I sometimes shied away from talking about making history. I wasn’t sure voters were ready for that. And I wasn’t running to break a barrier; I was running because I thought I was the most qualified to do the job. While it still pains me that I couldn’t break that highest, hardest glass ceiling, I’m proud that my two presidential campaigns made it seem normal to have a woman at the top of the ticket.


Look at me! Look at me!

Why won't this woman just hit the Franzia, go hiking around Chappaqua, and leave us alone? 

The rest of the article is wild spin regarding the Biden-Harris administration's alleged accomplishments. 

Mrs. Clinton is looking "forward to hearing her prosecute a compelling case against Mr. Trump, who failed as a president the first time and is running on a dangerous agenda." 

Cool story for all of the people who were already planning on voting Democrat this year, but the "dangerous agenda" nonsense has zero traction outside of the Coastal Media Bubble™.

Where Hillary's little cheerleading turn really fails is in her insistence that Kamala Harris can coherently sell the fantastical spin about Biden's accomplishments and Dangerous Orange Man Bad. Apparently, Mrs. C. has never seen a Kamala Harris speech. Those of us who have are all aware that the Democrats received no frontrunner coherence upgrade whatsoever in swapping out Joe Biden for Kamala Harris. Now they've got all of the nonsensicality with an ear-splitting cackle soundtrack added to it. 

We're obviously going to be buried in "making history" pitches for Harris. Thankfully, the Republicans have a candidate who has already successfully dealt with that. 


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