The Secret Service Lied About J6 Pipe Bomb Incident Too

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

On January 6, 2021, the Secret Service had another colossal communication breakdown, destroyed evidence, didn't see evidence, and then lied. For those following along, this sounds like allegations ripped from the headlines of the almost memory-holed attempted assassination of Donald Trump, but, no, it's about yet another consequential failure and apparent assassination attempt.


The Secret Service inspector general released an 82-page investigation into the agency's response to the January 6, 2021, Capitol Building breach and riot, and the pipe bombs found outside the DNC and near the RNC. 

When told to preserve texts, emails, and documents about January 6 right after the event, the Secret Service chief at the time destroyed them in a system-wide phone migration switcheroo. Nobody thought to save the data. Weird, ihn't?

Related: Here Are Some Questions the Secret Service Should Have to Answer

No one believes they couldn't stop the migration—even the inspector general. And nobody thinks they couldn't preserve the data. We've seen many missing emails and hammered hard drives, had the words "bleach bit" drummed into our heads, and read about phone bashing and document-shredding parties—and that's just Hillary Clinton.

If you've read our previous pieces on the J6 event, you know the lining up of events—the placing of both of the alleged incendiary devices supposedly the night before, though the "trigger" was a one-hour kitchen timer. The devices, in different parts of Capitol Hill, coincidentally were found about the same time the Capitol breach got underway. These events are, as the kids say, a bit suss. In fact, they look either to be planned distractions to siphon law enforcement response or intended to use the event to stack more charges against the hapless pro-Trump marchers who stumbled into the imaginary no-go zone that had previously been taken down by friends of Ray Epps. 


As a result, the granny from Duluth who updated her knitting circle app near D.C. on J6 was found easily and locked up for walking across an imaginary line once denoted by a long-ago dragged away bike rack. People like her are in jail, but the pipe bomber? Gee, we just can't seem to find that guy's cell phone usage. 

Is this an operation of which the Secret Service is a witting or unwitting part?  Mis-and-dis-information specialist Dr. J. Michael Waller told me in a recent "Adult in the Room" podcast that he thinks it is. The pieces seem to be in place. The agency didn't report the incident with Kamala Harris, didn't declare an "Unusual Protective Event," and didn't do an after-action report, which I wrote about in my piece on Sunday. 

And the House Oversight Committee is deeply skeptical too. 

The first letters were sent on January 16, 2021—before the USSS claims the data migration process began. USSS claims these texts were deleted as part of a preplanned data migration conducted starting January 27 through April of 2021 but USSS does not explain why the Department did not pause or cancel this data migration given the events of January 6 and after receiving preservation letters from Congressional committees. USSS does not explain why no backups were kept of these relevant electronic communications.


Revolver News and its editor Darren Beattie are suspicious too. 

The most damning aspect of the OIG report is that the Secret Service did not log the discovery of the pipe bomb and subsequent evacuation of Kamala Harris as an “Unusual Protective Event” (UPE) as would be required and expected protocol. It’s as though the event never happened! The Secret Service did not file an After Action form that would provide details of the security breach and their response to it. According to the OIG report, even the head of the Secret Service acknowledged this was a flagrant violation of protocol.

When you think about it, wouldn't Kamala Harris be out on the campaign trail talking about how she had a near-death experience at the hands of some maniacal Trump terrorist on J6? No. She's the dog that didn't bark and so's the Secret Service. 

Look how close she came. 

Secret Service dog sniffing teams never checked the bushes around the DNC. 

And then after failing to report the incident, the Secret Service hid the documents, deleted cell phone texts, and then slow rolled turning over emails to the Office of Inspector General investigators. The DHS secretary held things up again, and now it's 2024. 

Related: Secret Service Prep Before Trump Shooting Shows It Was a Clown Show


The OIG even discovered the Secret Service lied about the number of uniformed officers to help bring the Capitol Building to order. 

Far from answering questions, this report makes me even more curious. 

I discuss J6 with J. Michael Waller on the "Adult in the Room" podcast. You'll want to watch. Please listen and share. Rumble, YouTube, Spotify.


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