
OK, So Is Kamala a Drunk?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Really, now. Is this the way the peasants are supposed to behave before a coronation? Kamala Harris is set for her big moment at the Democrat National Convention this week, where she will become the DEI hire of all DEI hires, the first black woman to blah blah blah. Amid all the excitement, however, there are the inevitable wet blankets.

There is high tension in the air in Chicago: pro-Hamas protesters have vowed to rain on the Harris parade as much as they possibly can, and amid an intensive media campaign to portray the candidate as a noble, powerful, statesmanlike figure, social media has erupted with memes and videos purporting to show that Harris’ famous word salads are so many in number because she is so often… drunk. 

Oh, the indignity! Oh, the effrontery! How could they, especially now, with Harris poised on the verge of going down in history? Really, would those dastardly Republicans be doing this if Harris weren’t a woman, and on top of that, a woman of color, kinda sorta? You bet your “President Nixon, Now More Than Ever” button they would, but of course, the left’s first line of defense when one of its revered DEI figures receives even the mildest criticism is to claim that the basest racism, sexism, xenophobia and hatred of all that is good is behind it, and these days they’re seeing racists, sexists, and xenophobes everywhere. 

The Daily Mail reported Monday that “conservatives and even a Donald Trump campaign official have claimed Kamala Harris appears drunk during speaking engagements.” At first glance, it’s hard to see why this would embarrass, much less enrage, the Democrats. After all, they have a long recent tradition of showcasing women who can drink any man under the table. Just think of Nancy Pelosi (D-Smirnoff), who has appeared to be three sheets to the wind during virtually every public utterance she has made for years now, and Hillary Clinton, whose (alleged! Alleged!) drunken tantrums are the stuff of legend.

Given that illustrious company, why shouldn’t Kamala Harris own up unapologetically to bending the elbow now and again, and again, and again? Yet instead of celebrating Harris’ respect for Democrat tradition, Republicans are doing what they always do: pouncing. The Daily Mail explained that “pundits on the right are now suggesting booze is to blame for Harris' 'lunatic' laughter and what many describe as 'word salads' from the vice president when she veers off script.”

There is plenty of video evidence to suggest that Harris and white zinfandel have more than a glancing acquaintance. To be sure, it’s circumstantial. After all, Harris’ awkward and ill-timed bursts of cringeworthy laughter are being rebranded as you read this as evidence of her overflowing “joy.” That may be, but does the joy come out of a bottle? In one notorious video, Harris “bursts into laughter after uttering the question 'you think you just fell out of a coconut tree?' while giving a speech on equality and advancement for Hispanic people. She appeared to be trying to explain the need to focus on the wider community, adding that 'nothing exists in a silo.’” Well, that depends on the silo in question, but this is the vice president of the United States we’re talking about, so she must know, right?

There are so very many others. Who can forget this Harris pronouncement on inflation: “Well, first of all, I acknowledge one must acknowledge, um, that prices are going up. And that people are working hard. And in many cases are worried about whether they can get through the end of the month and make it all work.” Or these pearls of wisdom about skyrocketing inflation rates: “Prices have gone up. And families and individuals are dealing with the realities of that bread costs more, that gas costs more.”

Related: In Pennsylvania, Harris Gears Up for the Convention by Tossing an Ominous New Word Salad

Harris had this to say at the height of the COVID hysteria about whether the Biden regime should change course: “It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down.”

The woman who would be our next president also said this of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that’s wrong.” Harris also said this, but about what is still unclear: “The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time … there is such great significance to the passage of time.”

Did she down some Dutch courage before uttering these words of wisdom? The rumor is rampant. Harris could dispel all concerns by delivering a coherent and compelling acceptance speech at her coronation. But really, what are the odds that she’ll do something like that?


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