Afghan Migrant Sexually Assaults Incapacitated German Teen on Subway Platform 'for Hours'

(AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

Intervening would, presumably, have been tantamount to a “hate crime.” In such an instance, it’s probably for the best for all involved parties, for their own sake, to lie back and let him tire himself out.


Those are Our Values™. This is Our Democracy™.

Via BILD (translated – roughly — from the original German, emphasis added):

On Saturday ( 19th. August around 1 a.m. ), the heavily alcoholic 18-year-old was alone on the platform of the Max-Weber-Platz underground station on the way home from a celebration. There he met the later perpetrator, who took advantage of the victim being too drunk to fight back. According to the police, the perpetrator carried out sexual acts on him for several hours.

It was only in the early morning that the perpetrator let go of the 18-year-old and stole his cell phone. The stranger ran away from it – his disgusting act was recorded by surveillance cameras.

The 18-year-old then drove home independently. It was only the next day that he informed the police and filed a complaint. Thanks to the location of his cell phone, the police officers were able to determine the whereabouts of the perpetrator and arrested him.

Migrants in Europe from the Middle East and North Africa have a dicey, to put it diplomatically, track record of getting rapey with members of the native populations that welcome them.

Back in June, I reported for PJ Media that gang rapes in Germany hit a statistical high in 2022, with over half of them committed by migrants (although the statistics are skewed because naturalized migrants/individuals with dual citizenships are classified as “German” by the government, obscuring the true extent to which gang rapes are committed by migrants).


The country is now averaging an average of two gang rapes per day. Progressives, of course, would call this loving and liberal Diversity™, which is, after all, Our Greatest Strength™.

Related: Germany: Gang Rapes Hit Record High, Up to Half Committed by Migrants

And then we have perhaps the most infamous migrant gang rape in all of human history, perpetrated — once again — by migrants on New Year’s Eve 2016 in — once again — Germany.

Afghanistan itself, the provenance of the alleged subway rapist, has a very strange and unsettling tradition of man-boy rape, as chronicled in the fictitious but highly culturally accurate novel “The Kite Runner.”

Via Humanium:

Bacha Bazi or dancing boys (from Persian: bacheh – “boy”, and bazi – “play, game”) is an expression used in certain parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. It refers to a practice in Afghanistan engaging generally male children and male adults. This practice has turned into a centuries-long tradition and involves sexual abuse and slavery of young boys by older powerful men, often Pashtuns (New Line Institute, 2021).

These preadolescent boys, called Bacha Bareesh or beardless boys, come from impoverished families and serve as “entertainers” to influential Afghans. Dressed as girls and wearing makeup they dance for their masters who later take them in order to get involved in a sexual relationship. This is how these boys provide for their families.


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