WATCH: MSNBC Begs Gen Z to Care About Biden Presidency

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Deep State media outlet MSNBC recently did a segment begging young voters to care about Joe Biden and all of his alleged accomplishments in the White House.

The network predictably invoked the civil rights movements of the 1960s as inspiration for the kids to draw from. Sad!


The modern political environment is nothing like it was in the 1960s. There is no institutionalized discrimination against sacred minority groups any longer. In fact, minorities are endowed with more and more privileges not conferred to whites, males, straights, cisgenders, Christians, non-pedophiles, etc. Recycled platitudes, alas, are all that the left has as a carrot to entice gullible young people to show up for Biden because the regime has done nothing to substantially improve their quality of life.

In related news, alleged progressive lion AOC has also preemptively declared her support for the Brandon entity before the primary process has even begun in earnest. Similarly, the DNC jumped the gun by declaring a few weeks back that there would be no primary debates, effectively making it a coronation rather than a nomination and further exposing the farce for what it is.


The party leadership is hoping it will be enough to saturate the corporate state media with propaganda, compare Zoomer voters to civil rights heroes just for showing up to vote for Biden, and, failing that, voter-shaming them that they are facilitating a fascist MAGA coup or whatever by not being interested in what the Democrat Party is selling.

At any rate, the idea that any Zoomer is going to be sufficiently impressed by plastic MSNBC talking heads so as to get active electorally for the Brandon entity shows how disconnected these people are.

Perhaps acknowledging this, Biden’s handlers, as I reported a few months ago, have also tried their hand at using social media influencers to pander to the Zoomers.

But Marianne Williamson, the online TikTok candidate for Zoomers, has the game on lock, as the kids say. She’s doing voter outreach right as far as fetching the young idealist demographic goes.

The main problem for Biden with this demographic is not that he’s older than dirt and mumbles incomprehensible folk sayings that probably weren’t ever actually folk sayings like “dog-faced pony soldier.” It’s that he’s a transparent liar who has spent his entire career being a slimy politician such that it oozes out of his pores.


He said he’d raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hr and didn’t do it. He said he’d send $2,000 COVID checks if all the Zoomers showed up in the Georgia runoff and didn’t do it. He said he’d federally deschedule marijuana and didn’t do it.

These were all explicit, core campaign pledges made over and over and aggressively marketed to Zoomers. Cash and weed, after all, are what black-pilled young people care about the most. They still can’t have either one in many states thanks to federal prohibition and a depressed economy.


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