
'Woke': A Threat to the Wise, a Virtue to the Weak

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The insanity we call "Woke" is, in part, the belief that a white person can't criticize a non-white person, even if that person is a criminal, as doing so is proof of seething "racism." 

Back when I was a lib, I recall my nestle-cock friends sucking down microbrews and attacking Christians as "homophobes" because they opposed gay marriage. 

"Yeah, and you know what's worse," I one-upped. "Muslims throwing gay dudes off of buildings and mutilating young girls." 

Following a few seconds of "crickets," one of my apparatchik friends quipped, "Woah, KDJ, Islamophobic much?"

FACT-O-RAMA! Those same (former) friends who wouldn't condemn mutilating the nether regions of young girls are now condoning the snipping of young boys' dangly bits.

The lesson here was simple and eye-opening: Being Woke isn't about tolerance; it's about intolerance of enemies of the state, which are typically straight white Christians. Reproaching the murder of gay men isn't allowed if the people doing it are "on our side."

FACT-O-RAMA! The gay folks who believe Muslims are allies with the LGBTWTF crowd are in for a rude, 250 mph wake-up call at the base of a tall building.

I believe Woke was created by the communists looking to enslave us, and by communists I mean China and Iran with the help of the World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO), and the various other Marxist myrmidons. 

EXISTENTIAL THREATS-O-RAMA! I believe China is our greatest military threat while Islamic Jihadi-daddies are the demographic peril. One seeps into Western Culture while the other sabre-rattles. Both want to control the world. China and Iran are kissing cousins. Or maybe I'im just a right-wing, tinfoil hat, wingnut. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Woke was created to scare people into silent submission; astonishingly, it's working. It is a vehicle by which the pinkos will control us, but only if we let them.

Even worse, it plays on the need of some needy people—let's call them Democrats—to feel virtuous.

I've written about a gay woke friend of mine who saw a "scary-looking black man" in a dodgy New York City neighborhood and decided to cross the street but felt ashamed that his mind would allow such a racist thought. Choosing to ignore his instincts—and, more importantly, proving to himself he isn't "racist"—he continued past the man, who then put a gun to his head and demanded his wallet. Being woke, or "not racist," almost cost him his life.

Woke has especially infected the left-leaning Pravda press pinkos.

FACT-O-RAMA! Years ago in New York City, a man dubbed as the "West Side rapist" was sexually assaulting women on Manhattan's West Side. 

I remember the AM news radio stations blaring warnings for women to be on the lookout for the animal, described as "5' 10" with a medium build"—but nothing about his race, which the authorities clearly knew. Being Woke was more important than helping women dodge a serial rapist.

Woke has catastrophically ravaged the UK, where timorous police turned a blind eye to the roughly one million women who were raped over a span of almost 20 years. Roughly 85% of the rapists were Pakistani Muslims, and the police refused to arrest them for fear of being labeled the "R" word.

The rest of Europe isn't far behind.

     RELATED:  Women vs. Wokeness: It's Time to Pick a Side

Tyranny comes disguised as virtue, and weak liberal white people want nothing more than to feel good about themselves. Nothing gets a leftoid slapping his/her/zher vainglorious back like a BLM sign on their lawn. Never mind that Black Lives Matter is your typical Marxist "get rich quick" scheme that also pretends to help black folks.

Liberals post on Facebook that they welcome the wave of illegal immigrants pouring over the border. They obeiscantly remain silent when illegals rape and murder other women. Worse, they'll vote for the degenerates who allow the invasion. After all, they're "not bigots" like those racist peckerwoods in MAGA hats who prefer legal immigration and women living in safety.

The reality is this: As patriots, we don't want any illegal immigrants crashing our borders in record numbers, especially when murderers and rapists sneak over with them. But liberals need to label us as "racists" so they can look down on us. Nothing pleases a milksop more than a sense of superiority over someone else, however false it may be.

     RELATED:  'Woke' Was Invented to Kill the West, and It's Working

Liberals are free to Woke themselves into submission—and eventually an early grave—but we can't let them take our nation down with them. 

What Have We Learned?

We've learned that Woke is a construct of communist savages meant to scare us into submission and yet make us feel virtuous as our culture, nation, and lives are destroyed.

Most libs will not recognize that Woke is a weapon. Woke makes them feel too good.

If their plant-based brains allowed them to see the light, that would make them (shudder) like you and me. Your green-haired sister-in-law, with her scorching case of internalized misogyny, would rather inject an unknown substance into her gender-neutral child and wisk zhim to a front-row seat to watch a needy, narcissistic drag queen shake his thonged bottom before admitting she's one of us.

Woke, oh what a feeling!


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