
Hatred Is a Business, and Business Is Booming for Democrats

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, Pool

It amazes and nauseates me how so few seem to notice that today's America is going through something we saw in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany; the tyrants in power always have a scapegoat for people to hate, a prelude to genocide.

Hitler spent years telling angry, fatherless German men, their families, and anyone else who would listen that their dads, husbands, and sons were killed in WWI, in part because of  "back-stabbing" Jews, Social Democrats, and communists.  

FACT-O-RAMA! Germany came very close to winning WWI. A massive workers' strike in January 1918, referred to in Germany as the "Janaurstreik," crippled the war effort. The strike was organized largely by Social Democrats, some of whom had Jewish names. It is easy to see how Hitler used the strike to blame his political enemis for losing WWI and for the eventual reparations the Allied Powers forced upon Germany.

Stalin pointed his finger at the Kulaks, middle-income people whom he found hard to control. Kulaks controlled much of the Soviet Union's food supply, and Stalin knew very well that those who controlled the food controlled the masses. The Kulaks had to go.

The Soviets told the poor people that the Kulaks were to blame for all their woes. Jordan Peterson explains it perfectly in this brief, animated video:

Stalin also knew what every tyrant realized: hatred leads to genocide.

The Kulaks were mass murdered — some by angry "poor" people who were granted victim status. Many perished in Soviet gulags.

To take the path of ressentiment is to risk tremendous bitterness. This is in no small part a consequence of identifying the enemy without rather than within. If wealth is the problem at issue, for example, and the wealthy perceived as the reason for poverty and all the other problems of the world, then the wealthy become the enemy — indistinguishable, in some profound sense, from a degree of evil positively demonic in its psychological and social significance. If power is the problem, then those who have established any authority at all are the singular cause of the world’s suffering. If masculinity is the problem, then all males (or even the concept of male) must be attacked and vilified. Such division of the world into the devil without and the saint within justifies self-righteous hatred — necessitated by the morality of the ideological system itself. This is a terrible trap: Once the source of evil has been identified, it becomes the duty of the righteous to eradicate it. This is an invitation to both paranoia and persecution. A world where only you and people who think like you are good is also a world where you are surrounded by enemies bent on your destruction, who must be fought.  - Jordan Peterson

Which leads us to life today in the United States.

Weak, angry, malcontented people are easy to control. Thus, seething, blue-haired dime museums have been taught to hate white Christians for decades. Marxist teachers have taken things a step further and are openly teaching school children, through Critical Race Theory, the notion that white people are evil and responsible for everything historically wrong in the world.

Another part of the Marxist plan to spew and teach hatred is the belief that criticizing a minority is a sign of racism.

FACT-O-RAMA!  White people outnumber black folks in the United States by a rate of almost five to one, but black folks traditionally murder more than twice as many white people every year as white people kill black folks. Also, mentioning this kind of statistic may get you in legal trouble, like this German politician who was fined for mentioning a crime report that proved "asylum seekers" commit more gang rapes than any other group.

The left has successfully indoctrinated people into believing that criticizing minorities is proof that one is a "racist." This plan has worked so well that British police turned a blind eye to the reality that Pakistani Muslims raped English women and girls with near impunity for almost two decades. The reason? The cops were afraid they'd be called "racists" for arresting the rapists.

Related: 20 Years and Thousands of Rapes Later, UK STILL Hasn’t Come to Grips With Its Grooming Gang Scandal

England isn't alone. Much of Western Europe has seen a terrifying increase in rapes committed by so-called "asylum seekers" against natural-born European women, i.e., non-Muslims.

Today, leftists cheer when a conservative like Rush Limbaugh passes away. They are taught that white Christians are bad and must go. Every history book points to this as a precursor to genocide, but the commies teaching your kids "forgot" to mention that. Instead, white children are taught that their skin color makes them evil. What better way to subjugate a group of people than to teach them early on that they are intrinsically evil?

Democrat Marxists have mastered the tyrannical art of selling victimhood and sewing hatred.

To the left, trans people are victims of "Christian bigotry" because Christians know that a dude in a dress isn't a woman but rather suffers from either a mental illness or a burning need for attention. Banning a man in a skirt from competing against women is somehow "hatred," though most conservatives I know don't care about how trans people live their lives. We just want them to let women compete against women. (And if they could stop molesting kids, that would go a long way, too.)

Kids are taught that all trans people and drag queens are harmless. I'm certain many are, but I also have a heap of evidence proving otherwise.

Meanwhile, the far left is revamping pedophiles and referring to them as Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs). We don't need a genie in a bottle to see what lies ahead for kids who are taught that they are bad and pedos are "misunderstood" victims of, again, those pesky evil white Christians.

Now let's discuss punishments for thee but not for "she," and by that I mean Marxists who play the game.

  • This trans animal violated a baby and yet somehow avoided prison
  • Baltimore's former Democrat mayor, Marilyn Mosby, stole $90,0000 worth of COVID funds to use as down payments on two Florida homes and also dodged jail.
  • This BLM princess torched a cop car in Brooklyn in honor of George "Fentanyl" Floyd and passed out firebombs to other street anarchists. She was sentenced to 15 months in prison.

Meanwhile, Paulette Harlow, 75, who has serious health issues, and her sister, who is 74, were both sentenced to 24 months for blocking a door at an abortion clinic. Eight of their friends were also sent away for various lengths of time. They are not alone.

Former President Trump is hated more than anyone else. Why? Because he poses the biggest threat to the commie savages trying to enslave us. 

Yes, they will put him in prison if they can, as they'd done to every member of his inner circle they could get their hands on.

FACT-O-RAMA! Grammarly, an app I use to keep my writing grammatically accurate, just asked me to donate to Ukraine. The Marxism runs deep.

One Marxist stain is trying to revoke Trump's Secret Service protection. They want him dead.

Instilling hatred and eventually instigating brutality against the "oppressors" — i.e., conservatives, Christians, Trump and his supporters, and, of course, Jews — is now easy. 

What could go wrong? Read a history book.


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