
Kamala's Tax Policies Won't Actually Affect the Rich for One Simple Reason

You already know by now that Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), have proposed a whopping $5 trillion in new taxes, including big hikes on corporations, capital gains, and "unrealized" capital gains.

As a PJ Media reader or someone with economic literacy, you naturally recognize the flaws in these proposed policies. However, when you try to convey this to your liberal friends or relatives, they may not fully grasp the complexities, leading to their eyes glazing over.

I admit I do not know the intricacies of taxation and economics as well as more business-minded people, but what I can tell you is that the next time you get into a debate with someone saying we need the rich to pay their fair share in taxes or trying to make a case for the Harris-Walz tax proposals, just hit them with these questions:

"If the problem is that the super-rich know how to get out of paying more in taxes, how will these new taxes get them to pay more? What is stopping them from figuring out how to avoid those too?"

Naturally, they will not have any real answer.

From there, just ask how many of these super-rich people run big businesses that employ a lot of people in the United States. If they are as greedy as leftists make them out to be, what is stopping them from firing all of their American employees and outsourcing those jobs elsewhere precisely so they can save more money and avoid paying business taxes here that do not exist in other countries?

Then, because all the super-rich are gone, taking their ill-gotten gains with them, there will not be enough tax revenue for all of the social welfare programs leftists love so much and want to expand.

As a result, who really ends up paying more in taxes, consumer goods, and pretty much everything else?

That's right, the very same people who were supposedly going to be immune from those tax hikes. Not to mention the fact that the quality of those social welfare programs is going to go right down the toilet because there is no money.

Hence, Winston Churchill's famous saying: "I contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

Of course, at this point, your liberal friend or relative will not be able to muster a counterargument and just ask that you stop talking about politics.

After all, leftists have been firmly settled in their delusions for a long time now, whether it be their entire political worldview and its applications through legislature and policy, to foreign affairs, to the various examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome that continue to manifest to this day. In fact, PJ Media's perpetual writing machine known as Matt Margolis just wrote today about how the Harris-Walz campaign and their media lackeys are already reviving the "Russia, Russia, Russia" narrative ahead of a Trump victory in November, even though everybody but the most willfully blind and utterly rabid Trump hater knows it was as fake as Kamala's Detroit accent the first time around.

Related: Tim Walz Lies About Receiving Nebraska Chamber of Commerce Award

Still, if you are able to at least make some headway in getting your liberal friend or relative to change his or her mind with these arguments, it is better than letting him or her stay in La-La Land.


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