
Yet Another Illegal Charged in New York Murder

AP Photo/Eugene Garcia, File

Yet another "newcomer" has been charged with murder, this time up in Syracuse, New York.

Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, originally from Ecuador, is charged with killing Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza, who was also here illegally from Ecuador, on her 21st birthday, which was June 18th.

According to Fox News, Chacaguasay-Ilbis and Toaquiza knew each other back in their home country, and met up outside an AirBnb around 4:30pm. Chacaguasay then came out a few hours later carrying the girl slumped over his shoulder, buried her in a shallow grave, and then took a Greyhound to New York City.

Local news site added a few more details, noting that Chacaguasay-Ilbis allegedly suffocated Toaquiza, and the owner of the AirBnb found blood in the house. The guy re-entered the house presumably after burying her, came back out in new clothes, took a Lyft to the Greyhound station, and later turned himself in the Tuesday after the killing in Spring Valley, just outside NYC near New Jersey.

The New York Post found that Chacaguasay-Ilbis entered the country in January 2023 through El Paso (seriously, is El Paso just a magnet for the absolute worst people to enter the country illegally through?) and was released into the U.S. because they apparently had nowhere else to put him.

Toaquiza came in a bit later on June 19th, 2023, through Lukeville, Arizona, supposedly to escape an abusive ex-boyfriend, but it is unknown if the abusive ex was Chacaguasay-Ilbis himself.

The Post further noted that Chacaguasay-Ilbis claimed to have been drunk when he killed Toaquiza and thus did not remember doing it. His apparent actions after the killing leave his claim up for debate, but determining his guilt or innocence is for the courts to decide.

Regardless, this is the fourth time in June alone, over ten days, no less, that I have written about crimes being perpetrated by people who should not have been here to begin with.

We saw the horrific rape and murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston, Texas, by two illegal aliens from Venezuela, a twofer in the form of a transgender "woman" who was likely here illegally attacking Denver cops with a large knife, and the arraignment of another Venezuelan illegal charged with shooting two NYPD officers earlier this month.

Let's not forget what my friend Bryan Jung covered yesterday about the illegal alien from El Salvador who shot and killed two Chick-fil-A employees in Irving, Texas, earlier this week, either.

I have asked this before and will ask it again: How many people must continue to suffer because Biden's handlers need the votes? How many times do we have to bring awareness to a crisis of this magnitude that the rest of the media continues to downplay, deny, or even laugh about like Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and Joy Reid did?

What will it take to close the border? Another Pulse, Boston Marathon, or, God forbid, another 9/11?

I really do hope it does not come to any of those, and November will give us the chance to elect someone who will put an end to this madness.

We do not need more Jocelyn Nungarays, Rachel Morins, Jeremy Poou-Caceres, Laken Rileys, or even Joselyn Toaquizas.


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