
Two Venezuelan Migrants Assault, Murder 12-Year-Old Houston Girl

AP Photo/Fernando Llano

This story sickens and saddens me, but I feel like it is important to share it and the others I have written about before.

Out in Houston, a 12-year-old girl named Jocelyn Nungaray was found murdered in a shallow creek on Monday, after she had snuck out of her family's apartment Sunday evening to head out to a nearby gas station.

Nungaray was on the phone with her boyfriend outside the 7-Eleven when she supposedly talked to two Venezuelan men, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, who had approached her.

They apparently all entered the store together, and then headed out to a nearby bridge, where Nungaray was found raped and strangled the next morning.

"They took away my firstborn. I was a teen mom, she helped me grow and mature. She’s turned into such a beautiful young lady," Jocelyn's mother Alexis tearfully told local news reporter Corley Peel, adding, "I want karma to hit them. I’m angry. They took advantage of her. She’s so young. She’s 12. I want justice. I want them to come forward. I want whoever has seen them to please call police. They took my baby away."

ABC Raleigh-Durham suggested Jocelyn did not know Martinez and Ramos. The mother suggested, "She's not one to be aggressive and be like, 'Stop talking to me.' She is very shy and quiet and keeps to herself. I felt like she maybe didn't want to be rude, and that's why she was pacing back and forth and safely get away from the situation. She unfortunately got caught with the wrong people at the wrong time."

"She's meant to be here. She's supposed to be here. She had aspirations for life. She loved everyone, was so kind, greatest friend, very goofy," Alexis continued.

And her killers likely were not meant to be here either.

Granted, Fox 26 Houston noted that whether or not Martinez and Ramos, both Venezuelan in origin, were in the United States illegally has not yet been confirmed, though the inquiry as to their status has reached the Department of Homeland Security.

But what do they care?

I have written ten times before about what sort of people they have let into this country all in a cynical and amoral bid to shore up votes for November so they can have a permanent majority. These news stories of their "newcomers" committing horrific crimes probably don't even faze them.

Whether it was a man who did 22 years in El Salvador and is connected to a West Virginia murder burning a woman's corpse in a field, a different guy who paid a girl's mother to let him be alone with her 12-year-old daughter (the criminal and victim have since been identified as Juan Rocha Mejia and Elia Antonio, respectively) in Wisconsin, a Guatemalan in Florida who attacked an 11-year-old, another who attacked a girl in Pennsylvania, or eight men from Tajikistan who might have ties to ISIS, Biden's handlers couldn't care less so long as they can stay in office forever, no matter how many more Jocelyn Nungarays, Laken Rileys, Jeremy Poou-Caceres there are

I cannot wait for November to arrive so we can hopefully prevent that from happening.


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