
GA Elementary School Trans Propaganda Disproves Its Own Point

Graphic created by Matt Margolis

Another day, another case of the organized push to indoctrinate kids into becoming permanent Big Pharma patients by "transitioning."

Somehow, a video put forth by Bramlett Elementary School in Auburn, Ga., for its fourth-grade classes manages to be stupid on top of disturbing. Namely, it inadvertently disproves its own point (I think I owe Libs of TikTok money at this rate).

The video features two dog puppets and a rooster puppet named "Gulliver," "Barry," and "Emmet," respectively. The dog named Barry (complete with a rainbow collar) believes himself to be a cat, grooming himself like one, purring, trying to meow, and playing with yarn, much like how Dylan Mulvaney asserted his "girlhood" in that awful music video back in March by claiming to have bad Mondays (everybody hates them, Dylan), go shopping, take antidepressants, listen to the "Twilight" soundtrack, and play wingman for fellow gay men.

Gulliver goes to a woman named Miss Madison to tell her about Barry, rightfully saying it is "weird" for Barry to "think he is a cat." Notably, Miss Madison never actually tells the Gulliver dog, at least in the clip, to believe that Barry is a cat. She just tells Gulliver to accept that Barry thinks of himself as a cat, and neither of them should try to change him.

So she knows Barry really is a dog, but if he wants to think he is a cat, we should just let him.

But I thought that if someone identified as something, we should believe them when they say what they are. If a guy says he is a woman, we should act like he really is.

Thus, as Matt Walsh pointed out, "the video admits that trans people are confused about who they really are. Trans ideology is so deranged that you can't even make a propaganda video for it without accidentally disproving your own point."

Perhaps the trans lobby is starting to slip, or are they just becoming more aware of how people are fighting back against them?

Earlier this week, I brought to PJ Media's attention a lesson plan for Schavey Road Elementary School in DeWitt, Mich., which taught students about using pronouns. Unusually, rather than keep it hidden from parents like the trans crowd normally does, like a "secret" LGBT club for third graders out in California was, they had the decency to let parents know about it and opt their kids out. I imagined (or at least hoped) a hefty amount did.

Related: Michigan Elementary School Offers Pronoun Lessons

After all, we have seen numerous instances of pedophiles latching onto the trans movement and the wider organized LGBT lobby to gain access to kids, whether it be as drag queens or educators.

Then again, given how much transgenderism relies on a complete and utter rejection of reality, this Bramlett Elementary video is probably just a massive unintentional self-own.


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