
Michigan Elementary School Offers Pronoun Lessons

AP Photo/Toby Talbot, File

In yet another case showing why America's education system is both failing and making the case for homeschooling and school choice even more valid, Schavey Road Elementary School in DeWitt, Michigan, is offering lessons in pronouns for students, using some book called "They She He Me Free to Be" as a point of reference.

But hey, at least Schavey Road had the decency to let parents know this time and ask permission.

My favorite people for finding this sort of stuff, Libs of TikTok, posted the letter, which said the point of this lesson was to "help students explore and share pronouns through discussion and literature to embrace differences and promote acceptance."

I wouldn't mind introducing the concept of Socratic dialogue to kids at a young age to help them develop critical thinking (even if we start with really simple subjects), but something tells me this wouldn't really involve the kids talking much' rather it would be the teachers turning it into lectures about themselves.

Students are asked to "practice using the pronouns 'they/them'" and "learn that it is not ok to change someone's pronouns on purpose and to always try to use the pronouns that people want to be called."

Elementary schoolers are still learning basic grammar. Why do these people insist on making it even harder, especially when you never actually refer to someone by "he/she/they" when you are speaking to them, and when you do refer to them in the third person, they usually aren't there?

Again, at least Schavey Road had the decency to tell parents ahead of time and give them the option of dropping out (which I hope everybody does).

Usually, this sort of stuff is kept under wraps.

Easily the most extreme case was in 2021, when Sage Blair of Virginia was convinced to identify as male by school staff behind her grandma's back. The harassment and bullying she faced because of it made her run away from home, and she became a victim of human trafficking (although she thankfully was able to return home to her family).

Back in December, also in Michigan (Rockford, to be exact), Dan and Jennifer Mead sued their school district for referring to their autistic teenage daughter as male and with a different name behind their backs.

In March, I wrote about Pleasant Grove Elementary out in California, which had a "secret" LGBT club for third graders that parents were not informed about.

On a less severe but similar note, just a few days ago I covered indoctrination of a different form: a first-grade school assignment, also in California, which asked students to explain why Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) is a "champion of people's rights."

Granted, X's community notes pointed out that this was not approved, meaning kids did not have to sing praises to Governor Hair Gel, but again, this sort of stuff just demonstrates the importance of getting involved in your kids' education. You can either stand up to public teachers indoctrinating your kids or leave public schools behind.


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