- Less Courage, More Free Market, by Ying Ma. Free-market ideals are worthy of a robust defense and often demand courage from its subscribers.
- Pretend Gun Control, by Frank J. Fleming. Gun control advocates won’t know the difference if we pass laws banning a bunch of made-up things that sound scary. More: Biden on Gun Proposal: ‘I’m Shooting for Tuesday.’
- Al Gore Declares Mission Accomplished; Gray Lady Hardest Hit, by Ed Driscoll. The NYT eliminates their environment desk, plus the real reason why Al-Jazeera was willing to wildly overpay to acquire Current TV.
- Pentagon Moves Forward on Cutting Prime Health Coverage for Vets, by Bridget Johnson. The change will affect approximately 171,000 military retired beneficiaries in 41 states.
- Current Foreign Policy Debate Makes No Sense. Here’s How To Fix It, by Barry Rubin. We are having Cold War conversations about a much different world.
- Annals of the Art World, Division of Academic Foolishness, by Roger Kimball. Is it art, or biological waste – or both? In any case, the art world is beyond satire, though not beyond ridicule.
- Sean Penn Embarrasses Himself in Over-Acted Gangster Squad, by John Boot. Most of the film is a demented rush from one ridiculous action scene to the next.
- Sex and the Gotham City on the Edge of Forever, by Ed Driscoll. Yes, it’s unseemly for grown men to obsess on comic books. But PC can infantilize both sexes.
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