Which Video Games Should Be Adapted Into Films or TV Shows?

In partnership with the new fiction publishing platform Liberty Island, PJ Lifestyle is going to begin promoting and co-hosting a series of debates and discussions about popular culture. The goal is to figure out what works and what doesn’t so that in the future we can promote and create better fiction and culture of our own. These are public brainstorming sessions for writers and culture advocates interested in developing a more vibrant popular culture. You’re invited to submit your answers to any of these questions — or a related one of your own! — that interests you:

A) in the comments

B) Via email to PJ Lifestyle editor Dave Swindle.

C) at your blog, then let us know in the comments or via email. 

The most interesting answers may be linked, cross-posted, or published at PJ Lifestyle. 

Also check out Monday’s question: “Which Science Fiction Novels Should Be Made into Films and TV Miniseries?,” Tuesday’s question: “Lord of the Rings Vs. Harry Potter: Which Film Series Better Captured their Books’ Spirit?,”  Wednesday’s question: “What Are the 10 Most Disastrous Comic Book Adaptations?“, Thursday’s question: “Is It Better To Adapt Books as Netflix Shows and TV Mini-Series Instead of Films?” the previous weeks’ writing prompts and email in your thoughts on any questions that strike your fancy: 5 Questions So We Can Figure Out the Cream of the Crop In Popular Music Genres5 Geek Questions To Provoke Debates About the Future of Sci-Fi and Fantasy5 Controversial Questions To Inspire Spirited Debates About Music.


Stephen Green: Nintendo Riding the Mario Kart to Extinction

Stephen Green: Study: Violent Video Games Are Good for You

Bryan Preston: Gamers, NSA Has Been Spying On You and Your Magical, Virtual Gun-Toting Friends

Walter Hudson: Game-Changer: The Next Generation of Gaming

Jon Bishop:When Will Video Game Consoles Take Up a Room in Your House?

This question is a good lead-in to next week’s pop culture debates about the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Video Game culture. Your ideas and suggestions are always appreciated.


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