The Morning Briefing: Biden's Rabid Trump Reversal-Fever Is Bad for America

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. There are only so many things that need to be flannel.

Do we really want to get along? I find myself wondering that a lot these days. In more normal times, finding ways to be less contentious and better to each other would be a noble goal. With Congress almost evenly divided some bipartisanship might be helpful.


We hear a lot about how divided we are as a nation. Worst time ever, and whatnot. I don’t know, from everything I’ve read, the politics in America during the Civil War seem to have been pretty heated. There was a fair amount of tension here in the late 1960s too. We’re sniping a lot at each other right now, but are we really at an all-time low?

I’m usually a big fan of political battles, especially now that the Democrats have moved to the left of Cuba. It would be nice if we could get along better but it’s just too much work now that common ground has practically disappeared into the ether.

Our alleged president is most certainly not the centrist uniter we were promised during the campaign. We’ve now been treated to almost six months of a governing philosophy that is driven by nothing but a desire to undo everything President Trump did.

Here’s the thing though: Trump did a lot of good things. Republicans still want what’s best for America, Democrats want what’s best for Democrats.

At the beginning of the month, I wrote a column about an Arizona sheriff lamenting the consequences of Biden signing an executive order ending the construction of the border wall almost immediately after he was sworn in. The overwhelming urge of Biden and his handlers to unravel Trump’s legacy began having unpleasant domestic consequences right away.


Do they care?


Now the Biden administration’s hatred for all things Trump is trying to sweep international peace under the rug.

Matt has the story:

Imagine being so anti-Trump that you would throw even historic peace agreements between Israel and neighboring Arab nations down the memory hole just because President Donald Trump brokered those deals.

Well, according to a report from the Washington Free Beacon, that’s exactly what’s happening. According to the report, based on emails reviewed by The Washington Free Beacon, Biden’s State Department is discouraging employees from “referring to the historic peace agreements signed by Israel and its Arab neighbors by its official name, the Abraham Accords.” The name “Abraham Accords” has also “been erased from a wide array of official State Department communications as the new administration presses officials to refer to the Trump-era deals as ‘normalization agreements.’”

A search of the State Department website still contains references to “Abraham Accords.”

It’s no secret that the Democrats were broken by their hatred for Trump. It’s a real sickness, though, if they need to pretend that peace in a historically war-torn region isn’t a good thing. Objectively, the Abraham Accords are something to be celebrated. Being so consumed by partisan bile that they can’t acknowledge them is not a good look for Biden or the Democrats. Then again, as has been noted by many people, Joe Biden has spent almost 50 years on the national stage being on the wrong side of foreign policy issues.


Barack Obama left quite a foreign policy mess to clean up when his eight years in office were over. At this pace, Biden could do as much damage in a year as Obama did in two terms.

We get it, Dems, you loathe Trump and still haven’t managed to emotionally break up with him. Maybe try to take a breath and be honest with yourselves about the policies and achievements of his that worked out well for you too.

This lashing-out-like-a toddler- in-mid-tantrum way of governing is getting old.

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